
How can I meditate?

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I hear people on this section say they meditate and I would really like to try it. What position should I be in? Can I sit cross legged on the couch? What do I do/think about?




  1. My favorite is make a bath with water as hot as you can stand, then add oils and stuff to the bath. Close your eyes and visulize exactly what you are meditating for. Then when you feel that the stress is relieved or you got the answer you wanted, get out and let your body naturally dry...That should help.

  2. to its easy all you have to do is not think about Bananas for one minuet

  3. Just sit in a straight relaxing position, put your hands with palms one upon another on your belly, take a deep breath, your palms should feel like coming up, then release the breath. your palms will go inside. Make sure that your eyes are closed. and just think that I am breathing a freash air and I am the happiest person in the world. forget everything. do this for 10-15 minutes and gradually increase the time.

  4. the solution=the problem  inner clearity and release of words..

  5. It is best for beginners to "watch" their thoughts rather than try to suppress them. The discipline here is to let the mind wander without getting attached to or following a thought. Just watch the thoughts and feelings come and go without attachment, aversion or judgements. This is the subconscious mind coming to the surface. A lot of stuff may come up, including images that seem visionary at a certain point (or even images related to trauma). In time, if you handle the meditation practice right, the images and thoughts will subside or become somewhat "distant."

    When the mind becomes calm, you may want to focus on an ideal or an image or mentally repeat a "mantra" (a meaningful sound or short prayer or name) in rhythm with the breath. For some (not all), this helps focus the mind.

    Simple stretching exercises and movement of the joints and also deep breathing are recommended to prepare for meditation. Cover the body with a shawl to keep warm (body temperature goes down during meditation). Keep the back and neck aligned and straight. Sit comfortably, even if this means you are sitting on a stool or chair.

    As a beginner, you might want to "time" your meditation practice. Make yourself sit for 15 minutes (even if you feel restless, sit through the time you've alotted yourself) and then gradually increase to at least 40 minutes a day and keep a regular practice to achieve results.

  6. Meditation does not require the full lotus (legs folded over each other in front) position to be done, nor does it require mantras written in indian.

    You can lay down, sit up, or anything else. The idea is just to relax and focus your thoughts on one thing. Close your eyes if it helps.

    In Zen Buddhist meditation, you should eventually clear all thoughts out of your head when you get more advanced, and this is what a repeating mantra is good for. Basically if you say the same short phrase over and over again, it will clear your mind.

    In some asian religous beliefs, you will eventually float in the air. Although in an advanced state of meditation you might feel like you are floating in the air, I would not get your hopes up that you are actually doing so. Its just a sensation.

  7. Oh, there are a million ways to meditate. do a search, you'll find a variety of ways. Some people like music, some people like to sit in yoga positions, some like to focus on a candle flame. Personally, I just sit, close my eyes, and breathe deep---breathe in through your nose, letting the breath expand your stomach (don't try to hold your stomach in), then breathe out through your mouth slowly. You can count to ten if you like, breathe in slowly to ten, out slowly to ten. The counting helps me to focus only my breath, which helps you to clear your thoughts. I also like to sit with my palms facing upwards, I feel more open that way. But I've also done it laying down with my hands folded over my stomach.

    And then just focus on your breathing. Let the thoughts just pass through your minds...don't try to stop them, just aknowledge them and let them flow through.

    You can listen to music, do guided meditations. In fact, two of my favorite grounding and clearing meditations are here:

    But the Validation of Love is a really good one. Beware of the "surrender" meditation, it's very powerful. I sobbed the first time I tried this one.

    Peace and love to you

  8. I dont really meditate, but i get myself in altered states, where i can connect so much more, and i dont have to sit there quitely, and focused, things just happen, and words are channelled through to me....

    LOL to deenie...i know how to quieten your

    and you know how i quite my best for me...

    none of this trying to sit there waiting for the moment, i cannt do that, it has to just happen....

  9. This is such a joke to me..Quiet my mind??? lol lol lol ...I have so many memories that keep popping up.  I think you almost have to go back to your childhood to be able to clear your mind. But then, I imagine children have lots of questions in their mind.  I have to turn on the tv just to push the memories out. So, I don't see how I could ever "quiet my mind". I know this doesn't answer your question. I've just wanted to say this...every time I see a question about how to meditate. I used to "be quiet" in order to hear what I thought (hoped) was God or His messengers talking to me. Now I have to try to get those thoughts out of my head...since I don't believe it was God putting these thoughts in my head now. Just be careful you don't go "too deep" in meditation. It can really mess up your head. (I know I'll get thumbs downs for this...but I think I needed to tell you this.) There's just no way to know who it is that's putting thoughts in your head when you meditate.

  10. There are many forms of meditation, usually if you set aside some time in a quiet place, use some sort of focal point ( a candle flame, painting or scenery that relaxes you) and try to quiet your mind - you will bring yourself to a state of relaxation that isn't actually sleeping - you will be aware of everything around you. Practice for short periods of time - a few minutes a day. Sitting in a comfortable position will help, trying a yoga or zen sitting position might be too hard for a beginner and you lose focus.

    A few minutes of meditation should feel as good as a full night of sleep - think of it as like quick charging your mind/body.

  11. aaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm... basically

  12. I don't know much about this but I really hope this helps you out

  13. There are many forms and systems of meditation and there is even variety among those so how has many answers. I have included some links below for you.

    The more you know....


  14. You need to just relax and chill out and what ever you do dont get any thing in your mind that worries you and or frustrates you making you mad!

  15. put ya hands up in the air make 2 fingers into circles and then cross ur legs and then mmmmm

  16. I just watched a documentary called "Ram Dass"

    it is a beautiful movie.

    I don't meditate that way but I think it can be done so many different ways, and doesn't necessarily invoke a name of anyone, just a letting go of thoughts.

    you can meditate while walking

    focus on your breath alone, your only conscious thought being"In" and "Out"

    all other thoughts are leaves scattered and blowing in the wind

    What ram dass said that I thought was key was "when the flame is not disturbed by any wind"

    it is as if your focus is the flame, and the thoughts and distractions of life (horns blowing, children playing, your date last weekend, your interview next month) flow past without causing the flame of your focus to waver

    he said it requires much patience.

    the buddhist group I joined who send me koans sent me a koan today about "Put it down" and told a story... Oh. I should just put it in the source...
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