
How can I meditate with so much noise around me?!?

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I have been meditating since I was thirteen, I can't imagine being a centered person without it. Now that I'm out of the house and in school there is always noise around me and I can't concentrate on my thoughts. Any ideas? If your suggestion is music please suggest something to me, I can't find any that are soft and melodic enough.





  1. Maybe you should put earplugs in your ears or take a class or something. Those classes make sure there is no sound. It will make you relaxed since everyone around you is also relaxed.

    If you don't have the money to take a class maybe you should make a club or something with some of your friends and then like every week or so your club can go to the person's house that is the quietest and meditate for a while. Make sure everyone turns their phone off and be quiet.

    That is all I can give you, I hope it works out for you.


  2. you should sign up for a yoga class or something.. or if you want to be in your room maybe light some candles and put in ear plugs :)

  3. Try meditation on the breath as you will be taking your breathing everywhere that you go:

  4. It is hard.  It really seems this whole wide world, esp. America, is just built around noise these days.  

    And it is So hard to get that inner direction.

    Can you get away for awhile.  Even if you have to take you're books with you, to get the time to do it.  Like on a lunch break, even?  A park bench near the school, by a creek or something?

    I see you mentioned home, can you go back for a visit?

    It's hard.  I often think maybe we are at where we are at for a reason, though.  I know how it feels.

    Like maybe you are where you're at right now, to experience something that is going on that you would otherwise miss, that may shape you're own life, or someone else's in a new future direction.

    Also, my Zen master says, "The meditation that we managed to do under adverse circumstances is often the strongest, and the best."  

    Because, you see, then we have really learned to escape.

    Our Master used to walk around the peaceful, quiet, Zendo and deleberately put our hands in uncomfortable positions.

    For us to want to rise above that, and go to this other place, see?

    I hope that helped.

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