
How can I meet a pretty korean girl?

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I'm in the Philippines and I want to meet a pretty korean girl but they all stick together and I don't understand them when they speak ...

I'm a nice person. I'm not dysfunctional or anything. I just really like pretty korean ladies. What should I do?




  1. Korean girls are like any other girls, only prettier in most cases.  Good luck.

  2. sorry pal.

    u gotta hold an american passport to get these korean ladies. hahahhaha. it's true!!!

  3. keep asking questions like this one.  i'm sure one will call you real soon and when they do, don't sound so desperate.



  5. Good question but dont listen to myajenni .

    Learn to speak korean but look good getting past her family and friends. Most likely, they will ask her to go with a korean guy.

  6. Learn some basic Korean phrases and say hi.

  7. date someone ur own race.........................we dont want some perverted philipino man who has a weird fetish

  8. yeah i agree with dj kay, learn some phrases, it's not hard, honestly.

    and this is coming from the person who absolutely LOATHES studying.

    but if you seriously want to talk to these girls, you'll enjoy studying. [just like me]

    btw, i'm NOT korean, so yeah, i had to study it too haha

    there's so many sites around to help you with your basic phrases, just go on google!

    also, you can go where they all hang out and just say hi or something [btw you say hi like this: ahn nyong ha say yo]

    good luck! =]

  9. You understand that they are under pressure from their families to only date or marry a Korean.

    The best way to  meet a girl is at school or work or introduction from another friend.

    I agree that Korean ladies are very pretty and nice.

    Being in the Philippines makes it difficult to meet someone from another country.

    Perhaps if you worked there you would have more opportunities.

  10. korean familes are strict.

    a korean girl marries korean guy.

    because they could actually talk to each other and have cute korean kids.

  11. go to Korea and give it a shot.

    But once you find misses Right do not let her go......

  12. Learn some phrases. Attempt to talk to them in korean it doesnt have to be good.

    I think its cute when a guy tries to impress me with his attempt at korean. xD.

    Give it a shot

    Here are some basics:

    안녕하세요. ==  Ahn nyoung ha seh yo. or Hello (informal)

    아녕== Ahn nyoung or Hello (informal)

    나는 (your name)== Na neun (your name) or I am ___

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