
How can I melt cookies without burning them?

by  |  earlier

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  1. Heat in microwave on full for 5 seconds. If not warm enough, try again. I wouldn't suggest eating them hot though because they will give you a stomach ache


  2. Make one that melts in your mouth

  3. okay first u make them and then if u got hard cookies then u just put them in the microwave for like a min. each and then they r all soft and warm and chewy

  4. Make them out of wax.

  5. Can't have the cake and eat it too! To add a serious note, try steaming the cookies!

  6. by melt do you mean soft? because for soft cookies you just cook them a lot less longer than the recipe states..overcooking them results to them being crumby and crunchy and eventually burnt.

  7. Microwave.

    5 seconds.

    Use that as a testing time.

    If it doesnt melt. Use another cookie and try.. 10 seconds.

    So on and so forth.

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