
How can I mentally prepare myself for a race I am running in 2 days?

by Guest56732  |  earlier

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I am running a 10k on Sunday and I am in shape. I just need help with the mental part. ANything I can do even the night before?




  1. Relax; try not to overthink about your race ahead. Just make sure you're well hydrated and you get a good night's sleep. One saying I like to run through my head when I run long distances is "Pain is weakness leaving the body." I saw it on my friend's shirt the other day; apparently it's a saying of the Marines. It helped me get a PB(personal best) in the 800 in a track meet a few days ago:) The psychological aspect of running plays a huge part in one's performance; keep that in mind and you'll be fine:)

  2. Listen to fun upbeat music, go to bed early, eat pasta, drink milk, do not take any cold medicine or anything

  3. Listen to some relaxing music and have some quiet time for about 15 mins every 5 hours

    Get rest but not to much so you wont be lazy

    Do some yoga and stretch a lot

  4. go to bed early (even earlier than you think you should. it might take you a while to fall asleep because of nerves).

    drink a ton of water over the next two days. it's the day before the race that really counts. day of the race, stop drinking water an hour and a half before. this will let all the excess water that's sitting in your bladder pass. then drink about 3 or 4 oz of water 15 min before the race. this is the water you'll sweat out in the first couple of miles.

    put out your clothes the night before. i find that always helps me get mentally ready. one less thing to think about in the morning.

    look over the course map the night before.

    maybe go for a super easy 2 or 3 mile run the day before, just to get your muscles thinking.

    good luck.

  5. You should do something relaxing. In fact, you shouldnt even think about the race the night before so when you start the race, you feel refreshed. You should go to bed early and have a nice healthy breakfast. Make sure you have breakfast like an hour before the race so your stomach wont hurt!  

    Hope i helped =)

  6. It ain't the night before that really counts, Sevilla.  You need to get extra sleep and rest the night before the night before.

    Aside from that, I'd memorize your splits so you'll have some idea of whether you're on time or not.  Try to maintain a constant speed throughout the race.

    Don't start too fast and don't try to over-compensate and expend all your energy at once.

    Good Luck

  7. "Run for Pride, not a medal." - mental

    "The two greatest stories are the bible, and you own. Make your story recognized."-mental

    Listen to King of Pain by The Police

                                             Good Luck,

                                                                   Run for Pride

    P.S. The person above me struck the eating a go to bed early stuff

  8. Just relax. and say you know you can do it becuase you can win. Have your pride in it. Your'e also in it to win it.  :)

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