
How can I motivate my boyfriend to get a better job?

by  |  earlier

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He works at 7-11 and there's no opportunity their for growth...our baby will be born in 3 months and he says he's too lazy to look, I'm frustrated because we need to move into a two bedroom apt. so our child can have their own room and to afford diapers and all the other baby items you need.




  1. Drive him thru the ghetto and ask him if that's what he wants for him, you and the baby

  2. If he does not want to provide you and your baby with the things that you need now.  What makes you think that he will down the road so to speak..  He has said that he's too lazy to go look.  Well that should tell you to pack your things up and get out while you can. I hope that you have some family to help you but if you don't then there are shelters out there that will.  You and your baby deserve to have someone that will give you and provide for you to have the things that you need for a quality life. There's more to providing than just the diapers.  Babies are very expensive not to mention  the daily things that they need.  Plus the things that you as a mom need to keep you and the baby healthy.  If he loves you and your baby he will do something about it.That's the issue that you have got to push.   If he doesn't than you've got to make the right decision for you and your baby.  I'm not saying that it won't be hard.  But you can do it if you need to.  There's lots of single parents out there everyday.  Good Luck

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