
How can I move my cat onto a new house where there os already a cat ?

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I am buying a house and the previous owners wish too leave their cat with us as they are unable to take it with them. I already hav a cat that I love him to pieces, how can I successfully move my cat into the new house without him getting upset




  1. Hi there... the introductions will need to be done gradually.  Be sure that the other cat left behind is vet-checked and vaccinated before those introductions begin.

    Here are some websites that offer helpful steps on how to make gradual introductions:

    The key is to always go slow and never force the two cats upon one another.  Meeting one another has to be on their own terms.  

  2. Give her a Sleeping injection before moving, Make her new house same as before.    

  3. There's no easy way... we moved about a mile down the road and our cat got run over! He's okay now but he had to have a pin in his leg.. he kept trying to go back so that was awful for us.. we tried buttering his feet before that because after the first time we let him out he didn't come back for 2 weeks. We're surrounded by farmland so we think he must have got lost. So my mum was extremely worried about him so he's now an indoor cat. During all this our close friends moved to Australia. And then their parents followed suit. They asked us if we could take their cat and look after it as they were unable to take it with them, we of course said yes and they brought it over a few days later.

    Our Cat absolutely hated her at first and she was a nasty thing. Though she's settled now we had h**l on for the first few weeks. We had fighting and all sorts but now almost a year after she came they are perfect together they even l**k each others faces and curl up together its the sweetest thing.

    The only thing you can do is leave them to it, they'll learn to get along. Eventually... Just make sure your there the first time they see eachother but don't force them on each other.

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