
How can I narrow down the choices of what my dads ancestory is?

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My dad died. I do not have money to have my dna tested. I lived with both of my natural parents. My dad is caucasian, blue eye, black hair. What could be his ancestory? He was found to be adopted, yet the paperwork has not shown up. A closed adoption. Paperwork unknown where and when filed.

I already know my moms ancestory. England/Scottland.




  1. True.. CSI will tell you DNA is the best way... LOL

    What was your dads last name ??? that sometimes help narrow it down.. and if you run the info through, that may open some doors.

    I agree though.. what guess-sake... English in some way ????

    although, my dad fits your dads despcription and he is of Scottish descent.

  2. Without a dna or adoption papers your chance is o. Also, if you don't have a brother, it will be hard.... usually a female can get tested for her mother's side of the family and a male for the male side of the family...

    Last name means nothing unless your mom is beyond a shadow of a doubt from there.

    We thought we were from Spain and we ended up being from Italy

  3. There is no way to tell your dad's ancestry, beyond that he was probably of European descent.

  4. There is an important emphasis in how I word this, m'friend.  When you are doing genealogy.. there are no guesses involved. It is ALWAYS based on records and documents of some kind.

    There ARE times when families have info/clues about an adoption, such as aunt knows it was the Jones boy, down the road (and you later locate the Jones boy, who has no issues with admitting to being the dad). My son in law is adopted, but even though the documents are closed.. his family knew the bio mother, and gave him the info. Most families assume adoptions are brick walls, and they can be.. but not always.

    The other option is DNA testing, which will tell you about haplogroups.. not French, Italian, so forth. It would indicate Asian, African but in a broad sense.

    Physical appearance cannot be used reliably for ancestry, except for the OBVIOUS ie African american, Asian, again, broadly speaking.

    You have to use one or the other to be valid. Some dna testing is getting to be affordable, so don't rule that out.

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