
How can I nicely fire my nanny/housekeeper?

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She's been with us for a month, and it's not working out. But I feel awkward about it. Any advice?




  1. Have you talked with her about why its not working out? If not, try talking and let her know she is on a x number of day probation period. If things continue the way they are, you will have to find a replacement. She will either straighten up or you will be justified in your firing of her that way. Heck, she may not even show back up to work, in which case you wont have to worry about dealing with firing, she will have quit! Good luck!

  2. You can't fire someone just because you don't like them.  You can fire them because they are outright incompetent, and you need to document their failures.  Ideally they resign on their own, you can get her to do this by suggesting other lines of work, telling her about other assignments and other jobs with better pay.  I hope that you talk to your nanny about how you feel about her work and how you are unsatisfied, and give her a chance to make things right before you tank her.

  3. Tell her you are going through some financial difficulties, and you no longer have the money to pay her.

    Or just tell her the truth, but if that's too hard, a little lie won't hurt...

  4. Be honest, tactful, and professional.  I would suggest telling them that they are just not working out, and wish them the best of luck.  I would be careful of telling a white lie to ease the dismissal, i.e. financial issues, because it can easily be shown to be a lie, i.e you hire another housekeeper.  

    Any dishonesty can give the impression of an unfair firing, and compromise you.  Civil lawyers salivate at being given fodder for a case.

  5. I'd say just what you said here.  That it has been a month and it just isn't working out.  She will most likely ask why.  Just kindly state the reasons you feel it isn't working and thank her for the time she spent with your children. If it's just something like a personality clash as opposed to her doing a bad job offer to write her a reference.

    Firing people is never a good experience, but it doesn't have to be terrible if it's done with compassion.

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