
How can I not be so self conscious?

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I feel like it hinders me from being myself at parties, etc. because I'm too worried what people think. I'd way rather be social and loud and a partier over thinking too much about everything and being afraid to talk to everyone. C'mon guys, help me out. What the h**l should I do.

And i've found that once Im with people that I know and feel comfortable around, it's alot easier to not give a **** and have fun.




  1. dont need to be worried much about what other people say........i know its hard for me to understand because im not in ur situaution but the special person god has for you will love you for who you are inside:]

  2. You have to stop worrying about what others think. The only person you have to please is yourself.

  3. who cares what people think??? as long as u are proud of urself, and love urself, everything will be fine. confident people always shine; even if they're stupid, loud, annoying, ugly, it doesn't really matter. as long as they're confident, people will always be attracted to them. i guess the thing u have to remember the most is that YOU ONLY LIVE ONCE. why spend ur life worrying about what others think. be yourself, love yourself, love your life, and live life to the fullest.

    hope this helps!

  4. Try not to overthink situations so you can be more open. Figure out why you are self conscious and fix it. If it's your looks maybe get a new haircut, acne-see a dermatologist, weight-diet and exercise, etc. Do something to make you feel better. What's the worst thing that can happen when you try to open up to people and talk. Not many people will reject you just for talking to them and if they do they're not worthy of being around you anyway. Don't worry, you are not alone, everyone feels like you from time to time, but you just have to find a way to laugh at stressful situations and don't let things bring you down.

  5. this will get you going. : )

    take care : )

  6. Just do what you want to do. Don't do what others expect you to do. But still, dont make an *** of yourself by doing crazy stuff. chicks dig the mature and confident types so sometimes its better to be the quiet cool one rather than the loud and stupid one.

  7. Everyone is pretty much like this.  If there not the loud ones usually have a lil bit of the liquid courage in them.  If you feel comfortable with people you know then chill with them and gradually mingle with others.  Soon or later you will find yourself walking around chatting with people.  If all else fails get a wing man and just walk around with him and chat with new people

  8. pretend that ur everyone else

  9. Simple.  Stop being so concerned with yourself and start being concerned about others.

  10. Its just something thats in your head. If you leave your house to go to a party or wherever your going and YOU think you look good, dont worry about what everyone else thinks.Your opinion is the only one that counts and if other people think otherwise, then chances are those people dont even know you or maybe even jealous.


  11. Have a drink, it will loosen you up. Don't get me wrong. I'm not saying to get trashed all the time, but a drink every once in a while won't hurt you.  

  12. I sometimes feel like this. You can try to stick with the people you know best and just act crazy around them.

  13. Everyone suffers at least a little of this, social anxiety. What can help is if you stop putting all of your attention on yourself but on the other people that you're with. It's pretty much mind control which is easier said than done, but that's what you need to do to overcome this, control your emotions.  

  14. everyone is self conscious, usually those loud people are insecure, they are usually loud because they are trying to hide who they really are.

  15. POSITIVE THINKING!!!!!!!!!!!

    Very confident people only think of the GOOD!

    They don't think about what others are thinking about. Make yourself feel comfortable...a good start is to act confident and comfortable and tell yourself comforting things, it will then come natural!!!!!!!!!!!

  16. maybe you should imagine that your the life of the party and that your the cool one and then act like you dont five a fu** and then you wont be self consious

    the only reason its hard is because you are trying to please everyone and not yourself

    if you want to be yourself act like you are and that its easy and it will become easy

  17. how much do u notice the person on the other side of the room to u at a party

    how much do u analise what they say or do

    not much probs

    thats exactly how much they think about how u behave

    theyl probs think ur weirder for being quiet etc than if u said something stupid that u could easily blame on the alcohol

  18. theres nothing wrong with doing that

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