I get so depressed about my house, it's such a piece of c**p. We can't afford to fix it up, we barely get by on what we make now, and we both have college educations and good jobs! We don't have cellphones or any other extras so I really don't see where we could cut back, and anytime I think we're going to get extra money to put into the house-BAM! something happens and we have to use the money elsewhere. We tried to refinance but it only appraised at 90k and we can't get enough money to make our payments and fix it up. I know I should be grateful for what I have, with today's housing market and stuff, but geez, I get so jealous of other people with their nice houses! How can I learn to appreciate what I have instead of wanting what I can't have (a nice house). Click on the pictures to read a full description. How do people afford such nice places?? http://www.flickr.com/photos/25323674@N02/