
How can I not look like a tourist in Ireland?

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My friend and I are traveling to Ireland from the U.S. on Sunday. In other forums, it has been said to just wear normal street clothes, and that most American tourists are idenitified by their baseball caps and rain coats. Baseball caps I understand, but what the heck do you guys wear when it rains if not a rain coat? Also, what is the dress code when visiting churches? Should women wear skirts/cover their heads?




  1. Don't wear anything green as immediately people say: there's an American tourist. It rains a lot, but Irish people tend to wear heavy-ish clothes, not the light plastic coloured raincoats you often see American's wearing. There's no need to cover your head in a church, but don't go wearing short shorts etc.

    Enjoy your trip!

  2. don't go to ireland

  3. Wear a big green hat, with 'kiss me, I'm Irish' on it  lol

  4. Try not to  walk around with a look being lost, or spend your time listening in bars instead of talking (a dead give away)

    For churches you don't need to cover your head or wear skirts.  Its not as it you'll be showing much flesh when its only 10 degrees outside, so your everyday wear will do.

    Rain coats should be fine, its those zip up waist length jackets, (like baseball players wear i think) that gives the American tourist away, & with a baseball hat and I'm only short of asking how George is nowadays.  But enjoy your trip

  5. like the other forums said just wear normal clothing, there really is no difference in fashion in America and Ireland. no one really wears rain coats, just bring an umbrella or a scarf for over your head. you may want to bring a jacket with you though it can get quite chilly, just leave the raincoat at home. and yes, cameras are usually a dead give away that you are american.........

    there is no need to cover your head in a chruch, just wear something you normally would, that shoudl be fine as long as it is not "provacative" and you are covered up. dress codes are the same in America as they are in Ireland really.

    hope that helped. enjoy your trip!

  6. Take the cameras from round your necks as well.Dead giveaway that.Yanks and j**s always look like a walking advertisement for Jessops (Big camera dealers in UK&Ireland).

  7. be permanently drunk and say "so it is" and "aah bee jesus" a lot

  8. drink lots of draught Guinness and carry a shillelagh

    under your arm singing loudly "I'm off to Tipperary in the

    morning." Raincoats and umbrellas are normal street

    accompaniments in Ireland and in church a headscarf will

    suffice it does not matter about the trousers.

  9. get permanently pissed and talk gibberish

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