
How can I not seem like a push over or a goody goody?

by  |  earlier

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Everyone I work with thinks that I'm too shy and they pretty much call me out for it every day. I am a push over and I do act shy but no one knows all the things I've been through that made me that way. First I tried explaining to one of the girls I work with why I am the way I am, but I dont think it got through to her. I'm a cashier. All I want to do is to do my job and go home, I didn't think I was trying to enter a popularity contest when I started there. I think everyone haschosen to not like me because I'm shy. I just never have anything to talk about with them because all they do is make fun of other people, which I dont like to do.




  1. Just ignore them. You obviously don't have anything in common with any of them. There's no shame in that so just be polite, do your job, and go home!! Who cares what other people think. What matters is that you be yourself and don't let anyone ever make you question who you are!

  2. How old are you?

    You have the correct attitude about work, it is not a social occasion, you are not there to make friends, and certainly not to gossip or make fun of others. However, that being said, how shy are you? Are your coworkers not liking you or are they really trying to help you? Do they think you just need to come out of your shell? If one girl didn't understand why you are the way you are, forget her and try another. Do you feel that your shyness is hurting your life, would you like to be less shy? If you have no problems with being shy, tell the others you are just there to work, and get paid, and not to be changed by them. Tell them you already have a mother and don't need any others. Then do your work, and ignore them.

    Eventually they will stop and go away,if they don't you may have to go to the boss.

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