
How can I not slack at all this upcoming school year?

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Im going to be in 11th grade. I know its gonna be a extremely hard year because of SAT's. I always tell myself before every school year im not gonna slack but I do it anyway. I know I can't cause this year is a very important year.





  1. instead of just telling yourself, make a conscious effort to get focused and "in the groove" the first few weeks of school. Prepare before it starts: figure out exactly what you're going to do to keep from slacking this year. heck, tack a note above your study space that says "DON'T SLACK!!". whatever works!

  2. 1. Stay organized (each class you have a binder for you keep notes from everyday in and homework in etc)

    2. Study a little bit every day--study your notes for atleast 30 minutes from each class every day to keep yourself up to speed--as soon as you see yourself not understanding something contact a tutor or someone who is understanding it ASAP so you don't get behind

    3. Keep a schedule. Keep yourself waking up the same time and sleeping the same time and studying at the same times. Schedule free time in so you don't get burnt out

    4. Stay involved in class activities and school functions--the more involved you are the more likely you will be to stay focused and happy in that class

    Hope this helps!

  3. I like what others said about schedules, and I suggest scheduling free time and relaxing too. Also, use rewards to motivate yourself. Like after you study for 2 hours with a couple of short breaks, you can watch a tv show you like, or call a friend, play a video game for some certain amount of time. It can be hard, but remember also that if you get off track, get back on right away, don't say, well now it's over, or next semester. You will have unproductive days, but just keep it to that, not weeks, etc. Hope this helps.

  4. study your butt off. oh and don't let girls be a distraction.  

  5. You need to make a scheldule. It must fit in with all of your activites. Once you have completed that, you can control the grades!

    this is mine to get you started:

    4:00-5:00= I come home from school and relax, snacking or doing whatever. If I have soccer practice that comes in my study time or homework time, I do it now.

    5:00-6:00= Do homework.

    6:00-7:00= Eat dinner if I haven't already or if I'm not done with homework I continue.

    7:00-9:00= Pure Studying

    9:00-10:00= Chillax, or sleep. Sleep is VERY important.

    Okay, after that, you need disipline. Like exersising, do it every day at the same rate and time. Practice by taking your dog out for a walk after school, or washing the dishes

    Now you need COMINTMENT! You must have that "talking to yourself in a positive way" thing..whenver I wanna quit I just remind myself of my goal. You should decorate a page with your goal: Not slacking off.

    Make a calendar of this maybe and have days (like Saturday if you aren't working) and celebrate the week's success. You should pamper yourself or enjoy something. Like a peice of chocolate :)

    Hope I helps.

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