
How can I occupy my time? ?

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I am suffering from depression since I was 10 years old. I am now 24 years old, and I am waiting to see if I am going to be approved for disability. I am taking antidepressants and have been since I was 14. My days are free and I have nothing to do. I feel like it always takes an effort to get up in the morning. I force myself to do errands and chores around the house. I don’t have an interest or passion for anything. Whenever I get interested in anything, it only lasts for a few months. I lose interest in things as fast as I gained an interest in them. I tried volunteering, but I feel like I always have to make an effort to do it. I don’t gain satisfaction over working or volunteering. Come to think about it, I don’t get much satisfaction from anything. I come on the internet and watch television for most of the day, every day. I am very bored doing this. I don’t know what to do. I have no friends and haven’t had any for the past 6 years. I’ve tried joining social groups, I tried internet dating, I’ve tried playing a sport, I tried many things. My therapist thinks that I should move into a group home to get help for my situation. But what things can I do to better occupy my time?




  1. Adopting an dog from a shelter could do wonders for you, not to mention the dog!!  A dog will be a loyal companion and give you unconditional love.  Taking your dog to the park or out for walks is also a great way to meet other people and get exercise.  Its a win- win situation.  Have a great week end!

  2. Travel. If you can't afford it work in a travel agency.It is better to deviate even just for awhile from your boring sanctuary. :)

  3. Join a gang. They are a wonderfully positive influence, and they let you do all sorts of cool things that the man doesn't want you to know about.

  4. Even though you don't enjoy volunteering, if you find the right place, it will help you feel better about yourself.  It will make you feel like you have some value and worth.  With depression value and worth do not exist for us.  I have been depressed for many years. I volunteer once a week.  The people are so nice to me.  They show their appreciation for me and the work that I do there.   They always thank me for coming in.

    Try to find the right place for you to volunteer.  Maybe you can talk about this with your therapist.  I hope you will find things you enjoy doing.  I know it's hard.  Please stay safe.

  5. Getting a job and having some purpose for your life would probably help you with your depression.  Get a JOB!

    My husband's cousin (30 years old now) was depressed since childhood and took medications for years.  He is off anti-depressants now and he has realized that he is HAPPIER when he has a job.  Because it gives him a reason to get out of bed in the morning, he interacts with people even if they're not "friends", and then comes the paycheck.  Even if you don't make much, there's a sense of satisfaction from having EARNED cash and then deciding how to use your cash.

    Get a JOB!

  6. My situation may not be as serious as yours, but i do spend days doing pretty much nothing, especially since it is summer.

    I like music though, so i fiddle around with a bunch of instruments all day.  Maybe you could try taking up a instrument if you haven't already. Also try reading some books.  It doesn't matter what they are about, just something remotely interesting to you.  

  7. Bake! It;s fun and there is always more things to make. You could also try doing yoga or something that gives you endorphins. (Working out gives you endorphins,too.) Endorphins maker you happy and feel good. Ice skating is also a great new sport that you can always keep going and learning new moves. Baking/cooking is very good because it can take up a lot of time, and you can share it with social groups, family,neighbors, co-workers, and for yourself!

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