
How can I offset my carbon footprint?

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How can I offset my carbon footprint?




  1. give up your car, if you have 1 or swap for a hybrid 1.

    cut all air travel, you won't die if you never have another holiday overseas

    recycle,walk more & buy fresh produce locally, rather than from a supermarket.

    change all your light bulbs in your home to low-energy versions.

    switch off all none essential electric appliances.  

    microwave/TV etc & no longer leave them on stand-by.

    throw out your tumble dryer, when you can use the wind & sun for free.

    use everything sparingly & encourage others along the way

  2. don't drive, don't have a bath, don't make rubbish, simply... just dont breath.

  3. Always look for what you have just done and see if you can improve on it ( Carbon wise ). It's easy things that help enormously like turning off the car while putting something in the bank.

  4. Save one of your teeth when pulled and a hair from your head - from this all origins and DNA can be obtained.

  5. You can't, its a conspiracy between the tree huggers who just want to tell everyone what to do and the government who want to takes lots more money off of us. They feed off each other in a never ending cycle of bullshit, the more the tree huggers spout off the more it gets into the publics collective consciousness. Eventually the government will cash in on the paranoia that'll be rampant and take lots of money from us to save the planet.


  7. stand to the left

  8. Twist ur ankle thru 90 degrees . . . I've increased mine, just bought a 3.9 V8 engined vehicle. . . it's almost tropical outside ours now, polar bears in sun hats the works!

    I do however think it is a serious subject, but am totally p'd off with it, there are other things that have to be sorted out 1st

  9. Do loads of green stuff, insulate, recycle, lighbulbs, walk to places.

  10. Another useful Web-site that will calculate the cost of offsetting, as well as providing links to make donations.

    Hope this helps.

  11. I'm really tempted to say: don't buy carbon shoes, BUT I won't....

    try this site for helpful hints:

  12. Grow a tree in your garden.

  13. urgh - im sick of hearing all about this - apprently only now its important for us to do something. i really wouldnt worry about it. its all about oil and politics and by taking one less plane journey a year, it aint gonna make much of a difference.

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