Alright, so I just moved into a new apartment and I have a LOT of beauty products. Lotion, Body Wash, Body Spray, Perfume, Hair Products, Make-Up, Face Wash, etc. I got rid of what I don't need, don't use, or have doubles of- but there's still SO much. There is not a lot of cabinet space... and I don't know what to do! I got a mini shelf rack to take care of some hair products and lotion/body spray, but what can I do with the extras? There's not even a linen closet!! What are some cheap ways to organize my stuff when I don't have a lot of space? I am sharing an apartment. The bathroom I use is actually 2 half baths- one for the toilet and one for the shower, so they are small. I get one half bath, and my friend gets the other. HELP? Oh, and please don't say "Down size your collection" because I already did that, so I'm left with stuff I actually use.