
How can I overcome my fear of traveling alone?

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I'm 17, female and I have a huge fear of airports and traveling alone. It's not the actual flying on the plane part, with that I'm fine, it's traveling alone.

I've traveled overseas before, when I was younger, but I've always been with family. At the end of this year, I have to travel alone to visit relatives in Vancouver, and I'm absolutely terrified.

I'm worried that something will go wrong with my passport, I'll get lost, I'll go to the wrong terminal (or whatever it's called.). I feel stupid because I'm 17 and I should feel independent and not terrified of doing this alone.

I don't even know the process of boarding a domestic flight, let alone traveling internationally. What do I do? How can I overcome this huge fear?




  1. Will someone be taking you to the airport and be with you during check in (which is where you will have ID/Passport checked).  That someone can't go through security with you (unless they get special permission), but after that it's not too much of a problem.

    Get there early so you have plenty of time to get where you need to be.

    At security (in United States at least) you can't bring throught bottles of liquid - so no water bottles.  Other items have to be small - 3 oz or less - and in a plastic baggie.

    After security, be sure to head directly to your gate. If someone is at the counter, you can check in with them again just for reassurance that you are in the right place and all is well.

    Pay attention to announcements, display boards in case they change your gate assignment. Watch the people around you. Don't "zone out" listening to music or watching video and not hear/see when its time to board your plane.

    Most planes are boarded by row (1st class first, travel club members next, then back of plane moving up to the front)

    Keep your carry on luggage to a minimum (backpack and purse) so that you can get in and seated without struggling with luggage.

    On the other after landing - just follow the crowd - they will lead you to baggage claim area (or customs if you have to go through that - have documents handy, be ready to answer where you are going, how long you are staying, who are you staying with/hotel/family etc.).  Hopefully your relatives will be there - or have cell phones you can call to find each other. Have a meeting plan before you leave.

  2. dont worry, everything will go fine. i flew alone when i was 12 and i was just like you. just make the best out of it.

  3. You shouldn't feel stupid for this, going abroad alone is a pretty big thing when you're your age. To make sure that everything goes well, make sure everything looks good in your passport (I'm sure everything is fine, but this is for you to be more confident about it), write down the gate number as soon as you know it, and double check it. Make sure that you have good luggage tags around your suitcases, and put some locks on your carry-on luggage so that no one is able to take any of your valuables.

    Another smart thing to do, is to buy a leather protector for your passport, which will protect it against water and the like.

    If you don't know how to go from A to B, ask someone. People working at airports are there to help you, and you are most definitely not the first one to travel for the first time! There's millions of people just like you who travel for the first time, and if you're on the airport in time you have plenty of time to find everything.

    I have added a link to an article about how to behave at an airport and another one to an article about useful gadgets and tools to buy for at the airport.

    Relax, and have a nice flight!

  4. First of all take a deep breath and tell yourself that you will have a blast and that everything will be okay. Then smile. I know it sounds stupid but it really does help. Okay, so heres a few things to remember.

    Kepp your eyes and ears open.

    Listen to all the announcements.

    Know your flight number, destination, terminal and departure time.

    Make sure you have a watch and that it matches the airport clocks.

    If you are lost ask any airport staff.

    Double check that you have everything when you leave the house and that it is all in one place (Purse or carry-on) that you keep with you at ALL times. No exceptions.

    Keep your stuff close to you.

    First things first, find your terminal.

    Once you have found your terminal stay close to it.

    I'm thirteen and traveling alone for the first time this summer. My mom who travels alone a lot gave me all these tips. They've worked for her, should work for me, and should also work for you.

    Good luck!

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