
How can I overcome peer pressure to drink?

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I am a college student whose friends are all obsessed with drinking. I love them, but they know I'm not a big drinker (usually I just slowly sip one drink while they have a ton) and yet they still pressure me to drink more! They are constantly making fun of me or even confronting me in an almost angry way about how I don't drink enough, how I don't drink fast enough, or how the things I drink aren't strong enough. I am so pissed off, and I told them to stop bugging me but they say it's "good" to pressure people to drink. I don't even want to go out with them anymore, because all they do is drink and annoy me about my drinking habits! What can I say or do to get them off my back?




  1. dont go out with them! you need to show them that you're strong and ur not gonna give in. they feel that eventually if they keep bugging you you're going to give in.  just yell at them!! scream your every emotion to them! scream how f***ing pissed off you are and they will get the point. you have to be assertive. seriously they sound like stupid b*****s to me and id find friends with the same values that u have

  2. Your college education is far more important than partying all the time. Try finding some people more like yourself to hang out with.

  3. Tell them you dont drink there is nothing wrong with saying no. Bring a bottle of water with you and tell them you are not thirsty  true friends would understand

  4. they sound like dumb asses! stop hanging out with them if they cant respect a good decision you have made for yourself then F them!!!!  find someone who thinks like you. i know in collage there are a lot of drinkers but I'm sure there are a lot who don't too. so stick with it your better off.

  5. Don't let up! No means NO! Be a role model...maybe your friends are asking u to drink because they know its wrong and they don't want to do it in the first place.  So they are trying to validate their behavior by asking you and hoping u say yes to make it seem "o.k."

    Either way, they will look up to you by u standing by your "values".  Don't give in.  Be yourself and if they keep pressuring you, find NEW; POSITIVE friends to hang around!

    Friends are there to make you happy, NOT to stress u out!

  6. Honestly, just tell em you're not drinking and you don't wanna act like a d**k because of being drunk.  And what a lot of people do, is just carry around a cup thats always full of coke for the whole night and drink outta that.  Then people won't even bother to ask.

  7. oh my gosh.. are these people your friends? NO.. You should probably leave the scene for a while. Focus on school and let everyone just cool down. When they realize how bad its affecting their grades and how much they miss you. They will be back.  

  8. I want you to understand the idea of mimetic desire . . . please.

    You will get it if you get the concept!


    I know its a link and can you trust it . . .?

    please read it and think about human behavior while you do. Let me know.

  9. Just dump 'em.  They don't deserve the pleasure of your company.

    Sounds like these people have some real issues about drowning their sorrows in booze.  A glass of wine with dinner is okay, but chugging a gallon with lunch is just stupid.  They lack sophistication and are ignorant.  Don't try to get them off your back because the monkey on theirs won't let them listen.  

    Seriously, find some new friends.  You'll be glad you made the extra effort.

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