
How can I overcome the perceived image that kiwis have of south africans?

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I am from South Africa and have heard that our image is not the best in New Zealand and I do understand why. I am trying to immigrate to New Zealand with my wife, but I am worried that people won't be receptive and I might get a harder time finding a sponsor because of the negative image that south africans have. I am in the sports turf industry and would like some advice on how to get through to employers without scaring them away when i say where im from.




  1. We welcome all peoples from all countries. If you meet or exceed the relevant immigration criteria and it is your sincere desire to immigrate to New Zealand then by all means make or continue your application.

    Everyone has an opinion on everything. Whether they agree or disagree it will happen just like death and taxes!

    Dont worry dude - get cracking - get your application in and make plans to move. Invest your energies on getting here and being a postive contributor to the worlds youngest nation.

    I certainly hope you get your Silver Wings soon and come live here in paradise!

  2. Oh gosh, it's not even near the point that you'll scare a potential employer away just by mentioning where you're from! You'll be fine, don't even worry about it. I think if anything it'd just be more of a social situation thing, and not so much if you're married! There's plenty of South Africans here, and many other cultures as well, it's part of life here and seriously, nobody's going to actually hold it against you at all!

  3. i didn't notice anything against south africans. the uni i attend has a resonable number of south africans, some of them friends, they fit in fine, no troubles. also had a few south african teachers through high school and they were treated like everyone else. you might get a little trash talking this time of year because of the rugby though haha

  4. Yea, we hate all of the racist yarpies!! Stay away.

  5. Many years ago NZ Govt let through a prominent pro apartheid leader who had instigated and promoted torture and enslavement of native Africans; he and his family left SA quickly before  De Clerk was ousted (incidentally he was run out of "town" - he now resides in Australia) - the NZ public found out about him after an expose on TV2 linking him to the growing white power movement in the North Island and National Front insurrection in the South Island (he was recruiting disaffected white youth).

    Also key NZ activists were  central to the "Free Nelson Mandela" worldwide campaign... we are big on human rights despite employing semi-fascist doctrine within our civil services (the Governments violence is called an upkeeping of the laws yet an individual who commits far lesser violence is indeed legally in breach of civility...).

    The best thing you can do is be yourself, if you get knocked back - keep trying. NZ is in need of good solid citizens who are wanting to unify. But be warned our Justice system is riddled with inadequacies - we have our own type of racism, police and government corruption, .... If I was you - Id head to an Asian nation. I can recite my heritage back to the first inhabitants of NZ but even I cant wait until we are like the melting pot called Hong Kong - we are so far behind progress it is a wonder we get anywhere at all..

  6. Really!! I didn't know this.  I have many South African friends living here and they never had a problem.  My parents neighbor's on both side are South African and are happy living in NZ.  Browns bay in Auckland has a large South African community and even has a South African grocery store.  I really don't think you will have any problems New Zealanders are friendly people and most get on with everyone. Good Luck :)

  7. there are many south africans here in new zealand along with many other immigrants,the people in our country that are not receptive to immigrants are a minority here.south africans have the best accent in my opinion,finding work here sould be no problem.

  8. people dont care much i mean as long as your not aussie!

    people wont notice that your from RSA well only wen u talk to them but nothing much happens theres the occasional idiots that spoil it for the rest of us no one will mind

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