
How can I pay off these fines for missing school?

by Guest61800  |  earlier

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Hello, my name is Evan, I'm 16 years old now, and I've started with these "offenses" when I was 14, in the 9th grade. I live in a poor family, I have to walk around 1.7 miles everyday to get to school, because I live within the 2 mile "walking zone" (that is, the area of which school buses will not provide you with transportation). I've had a sleeping problem, of which has been fixed now. These two factors played a major role in this. I missed a but of school last year and this year, and I still passed, but I'm left with these extremely high and unnecessary truancy fines (up to $300 without court costs and other fees) I have around 6-10,000 dollars of fines that I cannot pay off, as I said earlier, I come from a poor family. We live off of food stamps, and my father does not pay child support and my mother does not work, and hasn't worked since '97. Jobs are hard to find here, and a lot require transportation, which I am unable to provide because I cannot get a license until I pay off these fines, hence the price of a car anyway. Furthermore, does anybody know a way that I can find enough money to pay off these fines? It's going to ruin my life trying to. These fines are outrageous and I don't understand the reason why I need to pay back to society for missing school. Please help me find a way to pay these off, is there a way to start a fundraiser?




  1. where do you live? Ive never known anyone who has recieved truency finds...I dont understand why your school wouldnt be more supportive of your situation. But yeah definately try a job through the school...I understand jobs also maybe hard to get because of your truency record but maybe there is something you can do from home. Do you have any relatives you can work with over summer or any friends who can hook up a job? The court didnt give you the option of volenteer work? Also there are jobs out there that provide carpools. Why doesnt your mom work? I understand your dad doesnt pay child support, but do you have an ok relationship with him maybe he can help you in some way? You situation is pretty tough but just make your best effort to find a decent job close by or try and win money on the radio or something... : ) you never know it could happen. Good Luck I hope everything works out... also I hope you go to college because you will forsure get financial aid when applying for FAFSA and if you can go to college for free then do it!!! :)

  2. if you want to go the dirty way you could sell drugs and if you want to go the clean way stay in school do your best and pay off the fines by becoming a caddy or some thing because your used to the walking

    good luck

  3. There are lots of after-school and week-end jobs you can get so you can pay off your debt.

    McDonald's, for instance, will hire any young person that's old enough to get a work permit and has a clean record.


  4. Um, where are you from? Because there is no way in the US you could have $6,000 to $10,000 in fines truancy or otherwise that you at age 16 are responsible for.

    Your story doesn't add up.

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