
How can I peaceably leave the church that I am at?

by Guest63653  |  earlier

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How can I peaceably leave the church that I am at?




  1. Just stop attending services.

  2. tell them that you want to see the experiance the other churches

  3. I assume you mean give up your membership.  It's easy and remarkably like resigning from a job.  Send a letter to the church telling them that you are giving up your membership as of ____ date.  You can give a reason or not, just be polite and direct.  Indicate whether you will be fulfilling your monetary pledge for that year.  

    If you are leading any groups, make sure to give the church your materials.  If you have a key, drop it off and get a receipt for it.

  4. Have a meeting with the pastor or pastoral staff in which you kindly express why you want to leave. If there is a Biblical reason such as misapplication  or misinterpretation of Scripture , be sure to point it out in a non-accusatory way and let it be known that while you disagree with the stance or practice, you still love the people.

    The Church is the body of Christ - and different buildings and services do not separate that. Be sure to make it clear that while you no longer wish to worship with this particular congregation, that you love and respect your current church members as brothers and sisters in Christ.

    If you are currently heading any activities in the church, it would be good to find a replacement who will make the commitment and then suggest that particular person to the pastoral staff. That way, they're not left out on a limb.

    Good luck :)

  5. You quietly stand up, turn around and walk out.

  6. Stop showing up- it doesn't get more peaceful than that!

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