
How can I persuade him??

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Before you ask - this is in the family section and not the dogs section because it is more about my dad.

Me my sister and my mum ALL want a west highland white terrier soooooo badly!! But my dad REFUSES to even negotiate!

He says that because we are out of the house from 9 til 3 everyday it is not fair on the dog but i have heard that west highland terriers are quite independent and can withstand moderate amounts of time on their own. Also I have a cat and my cousin's cat and absolutely love each other! My dad does not think this happen to us.

I have done the usual - I will walk it everyday feed it bathe it etc but he is not budging!! What can i do??





  1. It doesn't sound like anyone is home long enough to actually be this dogs companion. That is not fair. Instead of thinking about yourselves, you should be thinking about this animal that is unable to defend itself. Your father is the person paying the bills and apparently he knows his family well enough to know that they aren't capable of taking care of a dog. Cats are not dogs, dogs are pack animals that need a great deal of social interaction. Dogs get bored and they get emotional. Your father is right in this and I hope he sticks to his guns.  

  2. I can understand what your Dad means because it isn't really fair to keep a dog in the house on its own all day, but you could have a kennel in the garden and the dog could be outside while you are all out. If he had a kennel he'd be free to run around and play in the garden and he'd have a little house he could sleep in if it rained. It's not unreasonable to have a dog outside during the day as long as he has shelter and food and water and he can't escape. He would probably be better off out in the garden rather than being cooped up in a house on his own all day. Ask your Dad about the kennel option and maybe he'll think about it

  3. Hi Beth, thanks for your comments,

    maybe you could offer to pay for a dog-sitter or doggie Nursery out of your money for while the family are away. it would show you are willing to both finance and support it. its worth a shot.

    message me back if you want (i took peoples advice and had a makeover)

  4. I don't think you can unless you wear him down. Do what I did and wait for the day when you can have any kind and any number of dogs you want! (I always have 4.)

  5. A dog is an incredible amount of work and he deserves to have people who will be home all day.  West Highlands, affectionately known as Westies, are adorable but they are tough the first couple of years.  You have to be really patient.  They are very hyper and high strung.  You should adopt a dog from the pound who is a couple of years old and already housebroken.  Also, a puppy may really annoy your cat.  My cats and dog get along but my dog is two and a half.  

  6. I know what it's like to want a dog so badly, but you do have to take what your dad says into consideration.

    Dogs are a lot of responsibility... they NEED to be trained, not just walked, fed and bathed.  Training takes time and patience.

    It doesn't matter how independent a dog breed is, they are still a dog.  They are pack animals and cannot be left along for more than 3 hours as a pup and up to 8 hours as an adult.  Dogs who are left alone too often regularly have bouts of Hyper Isolation Anxiety and become destructive.

    Cats are different because they enjoy being alone and they take themselves to the "bathroom".  Dogs rely much more on humans than cats do.

    I know this isn't the answer you wanted because you want the dog so badly, but I'm speaking as both a dog and cat owner and have seen the sides to both yours and your dad's argument.  

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