
How can I persuade my dad to let me buy a bunny?

by  |  earlier

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I found a bunny in the store today and my mom was totally cool with me getting it. All I needed to do was get my dad to agree. I called him, and he said no. Now, I'm trying to get him to say yes.

I'm writing a song/rap. What can I put into my song/rap and what else can I do?




  1. well, first off, a rabbit is a HUGE financial and time responsibility... first off you need 2. then you need to learn  all about their care... also, a song/wrap seems immature... id try RESEARCHING this animal for a few months THEN ask your dad. rabits arent the easiest pets. they need to live in pairs, they need BIG cages (the ones at the petstores are all too small by far... a 3-grid high C&C cage is best.) they need hay, pellets, fesh fruit and veggies, they need lots of love, they NEED anual checkups and vacinations at the vets, as well as emergency visits if needed.

    these pets arent easy... i think its b est to just research them for a few months and convince your dad with knowledge and NOT an immature stupid rap

  2. tell ur dad that u will buy it and that u will be ttly responsable. do extra chores around the house to let him know that u are willing to clean and take care of it. use ur previous pets as an example of how responsable u can be. o and i woulnt get a rabbit from a petstore. get one from a breeder. they tend to be alot more healthier and more friendlier.

  3. I have a rabbit (his name is Murphy :) and let me tell you, he is the best pet I have ever had.  The type of rabbit that he is is a Silver Marten rabbit.  He is really smart and super easy to take care.  Plus, I live alone and he keeps me company very well.  You only have to change his bedding once a week, and if you get the bedding that is biodegradable (its paper shreddings), it helps keep the odor down.  The bedding can be kind of expensive (I think I pay $26.00 for one bag) but that bag lasts over a month and there is a lot more in there than you think.  They also need to eat Timothy Hay and I have had the same bag for the past two months and I still have half a bag (it cost like $3.00 per bag).  Overall, it is really nice to have him.  If you get them young, you should potty train him so he only goes in one place, and teach them not to chew on cords.  Good luck!

  4. tell them rabbits are easy pets and you can tack care of it by yourself  

  5. Well I'm not really sure how you can persuade him. You know him better. I have a suggestion though maybe you could find out more information about bunnies and how to take care of them. He might be impressed enough to let you have one if you can convince him that you will take good care of the bunny. Good luck.

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