
How can I persuade my local grocer to carry an item?

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I live in a rural area, and I have recently taken up Chinese cooking. I can't find the seasoning mixes I need to create these dishes. Anyone here dealt with a similar situation, with limited selection, that is?




  1. You may have to make a special trip to a wholesaler's.

    Buy in bulk and it will be way, way cheaper than your country store.

    You also get to choose your own brand.

  2. The local grocers usually have papers near the registers that are for if you want to see if they can put certain items in their store, especially if they are big grocery chains. Fill out a ton of them, and hopefully they will have it in the store.

    By the way: What are the seasoning mixes that you need? Maybe I know what they have in them.

  3. if you need seasoning mixes,i think you may be able to make your own..find out which ingredients you need,which you are able to get at your grocer and what you will need to source out..for example if you were to need chili powder..just buy paprika,cumin,clove..these are the basics,,most mixes or blends are just concoctions of simple spices and or herbs..

    have fun...  

  4. yup. go to a bjs, costo, sam's club, etc. or look online and buy in bulk. or beg the grocer to buy it.

  5. You're going to have to guarantee enough retail sales of that particular item to justify that grocer's wholesale purchase of it.

    Space being a premium, you're even going to have to prove that your item will provide more of a profit to the grocer than the one it replaces.

  6. I know this may not be what you want to hear. Your in a bit of a bind the grocer is their to make money if you asked then to get an item that you only need one of for say 2 months or longer and you are the only one that wants it. You may be out of luck store have to bye in bulk so your little $1.15 item can cost them a lot more. but go ahead and ask. If the answer is no take a trip to the nearest big city you should  find it  

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