
How can I persuade my mum and dad to get me a laptop?

by  |  earlier

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I really want a laptop to use for like school work, email and stuff, but they are really expensive and my mum and dad said I wouldn't be able to get one until I'm 16 but I really don't want to wait that long! And does anybody of any cheap laptops in england, thanks!




  1. get a second hand one. freeads or something. can be just as good (if you know what to look for) at costs much less.  

  2. have you ever even given a thought to the fact that your parents might not be able to afford to buy you a laptop?! why dont you get a saturday job and save up to buy your own?! learn how money works, it doesnt grow on trees!

  3. Mum and Dad are Going to Suprise You at Christmas, Bet on it?

  4. why not go to the library that best books and all best of luck ???

  5. If you're younger than 16, that's probably not likely - you can get along just fine with a desktop if that's all you need.  You really won't need one and shouldn't;t get one until you hit college.  Until then, it's a really expensive toy - even more if you want gaming.

    If you need one, you need to convince your parents that you need the portability.  Your chances are good if you buy a cheap laptop and find some way to save up for at least some of the purchase price (call it "leveraging").  Demonstrate some fiscal responsibility.  See if you can shave off some of your allowance $$ into a weekly laptop-fund.  Get some extra jobs, that sort of thing.

  6. You could opt for a "netbook" like the Asus EEE PC or the Acer Aspire One; some of these come with Linux as an operating system but if you prefer Windows, make sure you get the right one

    Here are two Acer Aspire Ones



    Note: Netbooks don't have cd/dvd drives

  7. 1st of all you don't want to buy a cheap laptop cuz it will crash on you.  wait until your parents can buy you a good one!  mean while, i'm sure you have a desktop computer at home.  i didn't get my 1st laptop until i was 20 when i was able to afford it myself! so your lucky to get one at 16 yrs old.

  8. The key to the answer is right in your question.  You state you "want" a laptop.  You have not demonstrated a "need" for a laptop, and likely do not have one.  Get some prices from Dixon's or somewhere.  Show your parents data that supports the purchase, and calculate how much you will be contributing by getting a part time job.  That is far more convincing than just asking.

  9. ok, this is what you do...

    1. first you ask them for something cheap like some shirts from old navy for christmas and tell them thats all you want.

    2. when they ask why, tell them you know they dont have enough money for a laotop and you know they are struggling just to feed you and keep the house.

    3. when the y say that not true, just say i wanted a laptop but im going to take the high road and give you guys a break financially, then fake like ur hiding tears and run 2 ur room.

    with those three easy steps you'll get that laptop

    just try to keep a straight face the whole time or you'll blow it.

  10. I think you got your computer, you can use that.  

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