
How can I persuade my parents to let me travel domestically by myself to visit old friends?

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So I 'm an 18 year old girl wanting to travel across a few states as a last "senior trip" sorta deal to visit some old friends. I told my parents I'd take summer classes and find a job to make my summer productive, but they are still terribly freaked out at the idea of me traveling by myself. I said they could stick with me until a few minutes before my take-off, and I will have friends there to pick me up and stay with, but my mom, especially, just won't let it go. She said to discuss it with my dad, who I know is concerned about what exactly who I'm staying with and what I'll be doing over there with friends. Any tips on how to get my parents to say yes? Are these scenarios really that dangerous?




  1. If you have any friends that you could take with you so you're not traveling alone might help convince them more.

  2. This is called separation anxiety, it usually is manifested in young children when they are left by their parents in a strange circumstance  (like ski school). It is also a common occurrence when a child leaves the home for school or a extended vacation that is outside the parents control. The solution is not easy, but you are 18, and old enough to enlist in the military, hence considered old enough to travel on your own. The problem here is financial dependence, can you do it without them? The emotional dependence of your mother about you going alone is that she is reluctant to admit your age.

  3. Unfortunately there are scenarios that are very real and very dangerous. I drove across country a few years ago as an adult and everyone said I was nuts. But nothing happened and I got there and back with no problems. But you are still a young adult and not seasoned to the ways of surviving any bad moments. Maybe they would allow you to travel with a friend. Or suggest one of them accompany you to your destination and then go back home. They are just concerned about your welfare. They are not trying to hold you back, they just want to keep you safe. They are parents and they care. Consider yourself lucky to have caring parents. I know it's hard to take now but when you are a bit older you will see how wise they are.

  4. my DEAR, u ARE 18!!!!!! u are ur own person... u can do what u want!! legally and otherwise.  i traveled at age 7 alone for the first time from new orleans to CA.  i traveled to russia for crying out loud at 15 yrs! u CAN go and SHOULD go.  to deny yourself this opportunity & do something that means alot to u would be criminal on ur part.  u have to listen to yourself sometimes. the air ride there is NOT the problem.  as long as someone drops u off at the airport and picks u up, it is really no problem. u can ask any airport personnel where to go, etc... and they'll be more than happy to help u, show u where to go.  go and have fun and let ur parents stop treating u like u r still 8 yrs old!

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