
How can I pick up a French accent without learning French?

by Guest61867  |  earlier

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I am finding a need to be able to have a french accent. Any body have some tips to pickup an accent? Hopefully something, free.




  1. and also really pronounce the last sylable of every word.

  2. i'm a american that has been living in france for about 10 years and had to fight off my french accent while visiting family back in america...its embarrassing to sound french! but i couldnt help it anyway here are your tips:

    except for the word "I" (like myself) pronouce the letter "i" like it was "ee". ex; i speak english, a leetle beet. dont do it in all the words our you'll sound like your forcing it, make yourself sound like your catching your mistake most of the time but letting it slip out by accident sometimes.

    finish sentences with "no?" instead of "isnt it?". like: this is so great isnt it? ex: this is so great no?

    say that you have your age, not that you are it, ex; dont say : i am 34 years old, say: I HAVE 34 years old. or simply I have 34 years.

    french ppl have a real hard time saying the "th"  correctly in english, about half of all french ppl will say "do you have Zuh time please?"  or "Ziss Ting is for what?" ....

    i could give you a million of these. write me through yahoo if ya need some more.

  3. Do you have access to the French news on the TV? Try watching that when you can. Does your local library have language DVD's? Borrow them. Also try borrowing as many french film DVD's as possible. Why not hang around places in your city where you know french people go. In Sydney it is the alliance francaise. You can do courses there but also join in the various activities they have.  

  4. Say aahhhhhhhhhhh for words that have a and vo with words that have


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