
How can I play crude oil aside from DUG and OIL in the market?

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I'm looking for other options to play crude other than those two ETFs listed. 10 points to a great answer!




  1. Well, what exactly might you be looking for? OIL is a 100% pure play.  If you like a speculative play there are plenty of small oil exploration companies that might hit it big.  I don't have a lot of knowledge in that area, but a few currently profitable companies are SM which has been profitable the last 8 years, WLL another profitable smaller oil company.  There are not a lot of smaller profitable exploration companies.  There are a lot of unprofitable ones though.

  2. USO is an ETF to use. But why not just speculate with futures or options on futures. There are numerous companies online that allow you to do that. I guess it comes down to whether you want leverage or not.

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