
How can I play more aggressive basketball??

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people are always telling me i play soft.i really want to make the team in high school this year and people are telling me the coach likes players who play aggressive .how can i improve my aggressiveness?




  1. you have to change your attitude to the game

    you have to be serious

    you have to get in there and think: I am the difference maker i will dominate

    you gotta keep fighting

    don't settle for jumpers, take it to the hoop

    draw lots of fouls by penetrating

  2. stop acting like a p***y and dive for loose balls and **** like that

  3. listen to hard core rock music to get pumped for the game prior to it. then take on a player thats taller than you or is so called "better than you" then you will have some confidence and just drive to the hole. i know once i feel like im a leader on the floor i go crazy and feel unstoppable the whole captain role really helps u play agressive. once i tried taking on a player who is 6 5 when im only 5 7 i drove on him 4 times and laid it in everh time i was so pumped that then i hit back to back to back threes off of back to back to back steals, starting a huge comeback

  4. eat more read meat.  

  5. what i like to do is run everyday. this will help you keep being aggressive for the WHOLE game. to be aggressive, you have to fight for rebounds, try to get fouls to go to the line (driving is a aggressive) sometimes you have to intimatade. try to make a hard foul every 3 or 4 games. it shows "hey back off u aint getting to the rim" you will send a message to the other team saying the big "NO". try to get steals. HUSTLE. REMEMBER THIS WORD "FIGHT" FIGHT-INTIMATATE-HARD-HUSTLE-TALK

    TALK means like when you run a press dont just go for the steal. yell in his face. my coach always says BALL, BALL, BALL, BALL... it gets really annoying and it gets the offensive player off guard

  6. I can start by working out on your upper body strength, and depends on the position you play, you do different things to improve yourself such as being more active on defense, going after loose balls, boxing others out, etc.  

  7. MAN UP!!!!!!!! your a man so play like like you got something to prove and never stop hustling...coaches love to see players who give it there all

  8. Fight for rebounds. Play more physical defense even if that means you have to commit hard fouls. Post up when it is in your favor and take it to the basket at times even if you know you will get fouled.  

  9. Go for the ball like its the girl you bang. Don't play dirty but smart and aggresive

  10. Elbows???  

  11. Uhh.. Get Mad! Just think of the stuff that makes you really mad in life and take it out all on the court! While you are driving to the lane, think of a girlfriend dumping you or ANYTHING that makes you REALLY mad and just think it while you are going. Always think mad when you are PlAyInG .. It helps for me. All my problems ComE to the court with me and I realese them this way.

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