
How can I politely ask customer for tip?

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I know it's optional but I know I deserved it for my work too. This is a regular client who tips generously and told me he'd tip that day but never did. Will it be dumb of me not to bring it up?? It'll just be my loss and he'll think I forgot and he got away with it.




  1. be the best waitress you can be. If that is your occupation. When ever I am at a food place I always like a waiter who checks up on me alot and keeps my water glass full.

  2. It would be very inappropriate to mention it; obviously he forgot and since he is a steady customer and a good tipper just swallow the loss and know next time you will get a good tip from him. Bringing it up would be very tacky. I highly doubt he is trying to "get away" with anything. You should be grateful he is a regular and tips well.

  3. he usually tips you generously. it would be rude to ask for the one tip that day he may have forgotten to tip. if you ask him, it might p**s him off and he may never want to sit in your section again. take it as a loss. it is unprofessional to mention it to him, and you may anger your manager and even get fired if you ask him for a tip. ivibeblk, most waiters do not get salary, they usually get paid around 2.13 an hour, and after you claim your tips, your paycheck is around $0-$60 every two weeks, depending on how much you claimed. they cannot survive on their paycheck, they rely on tips. even so, it is rude to ask for a tip.

  4. Here's the thing: It's optional. Yes, it's sort of rude not to leave a tip, but it's not your place to ask for one. It's not like anyone will never tip you again, get over it.

  5. you ask me for a tip i aint tippin

    work for it, you shouldnt have to ask for it

  6. IMO there is no polite way to ask for a tip. If someone wants to give you one, they will. They do not need to be asked nor reminded. IMO doing so is rather rude.

  7. If the guy usually tips generously he probably didn't have money to tip that day. Just figure it all averages out and have some class, don't ask. You will only embarass him and yourself.

  8. Don't bring it up that would be rude instead the next time he comes in and you bring the check say " i hope i was able to give you great service today is there anything i can do for you" that is code for I want a tip

  9. I'd definitely FORGET IT!!!....that'd be a really rude, nervy thing to do.  So he maybe had something on his mind and forgot once.......  You would do more harm than good.

  10. no its not a good idea if he wanted to tip you he would and plus its not a must so he might feel weird by you asking him for it

  11. You CAN'T politely ask for a tip. Your service will garner a tip or not. Perhaps he was a little light that day,...bringing it up may only embarrass you and him. Always remember TIPS means To Insure Proper Service, don't change your level of service and I'm sure he'll make up for it when he can.

  12. Most people think it's offensive to ask for a tip.

  13. If he is a regular, who usually tips well and you are comfortable with saying something go ahead and bring it up.. he might have just forgotten.. you can even try to say something funny the next time he comes in like, 'you gonna tip me double, since you forgot last time?' -smile- :] id do it.

  14. not everyone will give a tip even when they get good service.  I sometimes am broke and really just cant give a tip all the time.  i fyou ask for a tip you might decrease yourchance of getting one.

  15. Excuse me, but did you enjoy my service today?

    Could you kindly tip me sir? Thank you! -smile-

    Be very friendly and smile.

  16. There is no polite way to ask someone for a tip.

    Let it go.

    If you bring it up, he might get embarrassed and go to someone else next time.

    If you don't bring it up, he will appreciate your good manners and might be extra generous.

  17. You don't.

    Even if he's a regular tipper, you can't just outright ask someone "where's my tip." As someone said in another question, tips aren't rights, they're earned privaledges. Perhaps you thought you did a good job, but maybe it wasn't such good service? Or he could have simply forgotten. Either way, don't force it or you could lose him as a regular and he might see you as a spoiled brat.

  18. well, if u do want to be polite, u dont ask, but just because u think that u deserve it, doesn't mean that the people should. Remember, tips are for people who the customer believes has served them gererously, politely, and diligently. Work hard, and maybe if some1 sees u, they will give u a gererous tip, just like what my family did today, 5 bucks tip. He always smiled when he took our plates, he was polite, and was always moving around the restraunt helping others, not just a few. He never let our table had more than 3 plates stacked up.

  19. There's no polite way to ask for a tip.

  20. You don't it is tacky and rude. Tipping is optional and should not be expected. It is to be looked as a bonus in addition to your salary.

  21. Ok he's a regular maybe he forgot, don't ask him for money that he is optionally giving you, its best to just let it be, maybe he'll double you tip next time, if not tell the cook to give his food "extra spice!"

  22. Well you can't actually ask a customer for a tip whether they said they'd give you one or not..

  23. you cant ask for a tip at all, thats not how it works. unless your joking around when saying it and maybe thatll get you a tip for being friendly.

  24. you could say something like, tips are appreciated! ♥

  25. if you ask for a tip, you WILL come off as a jerk, and may not even have that customer come ever again. if they don't tip, then just let it go. you have plenty of other customers.

  26. You might want to just joke around and be like, "hey are you gonna leave a tip this time?"

    but dont be pushy or rude. be flirty and let him know you want a tip. =]

  27. i wouldn't bring it up...because tipping is optional(although it should always be done).....he might've not had enough to tip and not realized it until it came time...u never know. since he is a regular...u don't want to say anything because u just might turn him off.

  28. if this is indeed a regular customer who normally tips you very well then yes he obviosly forgot this time and unfortunately for you since you were expecting it. If you are clever with conversation and easy to joke around with (especially with this said regular) you might feel comfortable enough to bring it up casually to him....if not let it drop but if it happens again politely ask him why he has done this to you more than once.

  29. Asking is just rude, maybe he's slim on money right now and said that just to mask his situation.  Don't embarrass a customer, or he won't tip as much later on.

  30. If you EVER ask for a tip you will LOSE that customer forever! It is really rude and tacky. They might do it if you ask,but when they leave they will roll their eyes and never come back and if your boss sees that you probably will be fired. If you want more tips give better service and the good people will make up for the cheap people. FYI asking for a tip from a customer is like saying the "N" word to a black person!

  31. There is no polite way to ask.  Most people know they are expected to leave a gratuity but occasionally you get one who won't.  Just bad luck.  But if the person is a regular then you know they won't tip so give them the minimum of service.  Take their order, deliver their food, nothing more.  If they complain then tell your manager how many times they have stiffed you and let him or her handle the problem.

    If they forgot one time but usually tip generously then ignore it.  everyone makes mistakes.

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