
How can I politely tell my roommate I won't be renewing her contract?

by Guest63263  |  earlier

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I own a new home and rent out two bedrooms to 2 other single girls. One of them is just not a good fit...she can barely afford the rent (has to split $400 up into 2 payments), lets her boyfriend smoke in the house (although she claims he doesn't but the place reeks of it), turns the thermostat down to 65 (we're not splitting utilities so it costs me more), and leaves her boyfriend alone in my home while everyone else is gone. I've repeatedly told her not to do this stuff and I won't be renewing her contract at the end of Aug.

How do I tell her this wihtout causing problems? I have a lot of nice stuff and am rarely home... I don't want it to disappear because she and her bf are offended. I'm not above lying in this situation. What can I do? I really think she would get pissed and trash the place or start stealing stuff.




  1. You don't have to give her any reasons, just say that you're not renewing her lease, that it's not working out well for you

    If you lie about why you're doing it, make sure you can back up the lie, that she can't instantly see through it all.  And what are her relationships with other roomies?  Will they spill?

    I have frequently found that increasing rent causes a tenant to decide to move so that it is their decision not the LL.  So maybe say that you have to increase the rent, and that you have to have it all on the 1rst to pay your bills, and that you are not renewing her lease due to this?  Don't get into personalities, BF, etc.

  2. Just lie about someone in your family (a cousin or whatever) needs a place to stay for a year, and you feel obligated to your family. Or just say that your mortgage has been increased due to the horrible economy or in order for you to pay it off faster, so rent will have to be increased as well for everybody that lives there. Then say that if she is willing to pay $650 a month, she can stay. More than likely she wont be able to, so you can find a new roommate than. Or just say that you are planning to move out as well and are renting the place to an entire family for the next year...

    Just be creative...

  3. well first of all i can see that you arent very confident in this person! which generally is the most important quality to have when it comes to roomates. it sounds like she doesnt really respect your wants and needs and is being quite selfish. if i were you i would simply tell her that the contract is ending and you know of someone else who can fill the spot that you ARE confident in and have trust in. if this isnt true about another person just say you would like the extra room for something else. i know the roomate thing can be very difficult but i hope you can find a happy medium decision. good luck :)

  4. Tell her just like you explained. I don't feel you make a good roommate to me in my home, so you'll have until the end of August to find another place to live, but the sooner you can move, the better because I'm going to have people come see the room before you move. My decision is firm and I will not change it.

  5. If you have a contract, you are required by law to give her 30 days' notice of non-renewal, regardless of your reasons.

  6. Let her know, formally according to the law, that her tenancy will be over.

    Make sure you have a good inventory, iwht pictures, of your stuff and your other roomate's stuff, and have a trusted friend be there when she moves out.  If you have really good jewelry, stash it in your trunk or at a friends, and have your other roomate do the same.

    Make sure you have her/his license plates and car make recorded, a good photo of her and him, and know where both of them work.

    If anything vanishes, file a police report and hand over the info so the cops can get a search warrant.


    Change the locks on the day she moves out!  It's easy to do - you can get multiple-lock sets with matching keys at Home Depot.

    If she refuses to leave, you will have to go to court and get alegal eviction. Do not accept any rent money, just go to court and file the papers ... it's quite fast if you have given the 30-day notice like you should.

    Make sure you know what you have to do if she refuses to leave BEFORE you need the information.  Ifshe says, "h**l no, I'm staying" just hand her whatever notice you need ot and get to court immediately.

  7. she can't pay 200 in rent fee?! wow. that is rediculous.

    get her out of there. if she is burning money with the utilities and not respecting the rules then she needs a notice that she has to go.

    i dont know how you should tell her though.. maybe tell her that your house isn't the right envioronment for her and you like her as a person but by her living there it's making your life more complicated.

  8. Aug 1st. you must give her a 30day notice. You keep calling her "roommate" so she is not a friend. Just note to her that you are making some changes and this being the first one. Be as nice as possible to ward off any "hurt" feelings that could result in bad things if she is a vindictive person as you mentioned as a fear you have.

    You could also do a "new" contract that is several hundred dollars more, (so she cant afford it) due to higher electric bills you now have and what not, and that way her leaving can be her decision. I would clue in the other roomie to what you are doing so she is "in" on it with you...That may be the best way to go.

    Good luck!!

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