
How can I politly ask for my neighbors WEP key? He dosen't know I have Wi-fi.?

by  |  earlier

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I'm trying to access the internet and he is the only signal I get inside my house. Plaese help!




  1. How can I politly ask for my neighbors WEP key?

    Include the word "please."

    He dosen't know I have Wi-fi.?

    I think he is going to guess that you have.

    Why do you think he will give you the way in to a system that he has explicitly set up to prevent such entry?

    It would mean that he would get the blame, and pay the costs of use, for your internet access.

  2. Just ask. The worst thing that can happen is he says, "no". You could also try to sniff it out with a program designed for the purpose, but that migh traise ethical questions, so just go knock on the guy's door and ask... Why doesn't your own wifi signal reach your house, anyway?

  3. send him a email

  4. If your just sending small amounts of email and browsing the web to look up tv programs or basic info he should be ok with it if he and you are nice.

    Other than that..

    1. He pays for the internet ?? why would he give it to you for free

    2. only having a wi-fi signal doesn't mean that you can't get an internet connection yourself.. try for there wireless options

    3. Does he trust you ?

    my two cents...

    Other than that as stated above.. just go and ask!

  5. With great humility and an open wallet

  6. It will not work because he won't let you.

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