
How can I potty train?

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I am leaving on Aug 29 to go to college. My 2 year old is staying with my parents while I'm away at school. I would like to have him potty-trained before I leave. What is the most effective way to do it and/or quickest? Thank you for your help!




  1. All children are different.

    My oldest was potty trained at 2 yrs old.

    This is what I did:

    Made sure that he could pull down his pants and pull ups.

    Made sure he could put them back on, with help.

    He was not using as many diapers during the day, so his bladder was ready.

    I bought a potty chair, a book to read while on the potty, and a timer.

    ALL day long (except for nap and night time) at 10 minutes intravals, we went to the potty.  In between he drank water, so that he needed to go.  

    I got him to pee, and p**p in the potty.

    He was trained in a week.  Sometimes he accidently pee'd or pooped in his pull ups.  But by the end of the week he was telling me that he had to go, and could do the following:

    Pull down his pants, pee/p**p, pull up his pull ups and pants (with help to straighten everything out), empty out the potty chair in the toilet, wash his hands, and leave the potty part in the sink for me to wash.  Then he would help me put the potty back together.

    He didn't pee standing up until he was about 3 years old.  He watched his daddy do it and wanted to do it that way.  I threw in cherrios as well, when his daddy was not at home and he liked that.

    NOW, with my second one...he's already 32 months and he goes pee, but he doesn't tell me when he needs to go, and he doesn't drink on demand to fill his bladder to make him go consistently...completely different.  Yet, he's doing the routine well and staying dry.  It will probably take him weeks or months before he is fully potty trained.

    I hope you haven't waited until the last minute, one month may not be enough time.

    Do lots of praise, you can do a star chart when he potties, flushes, and washes hands.

    You can do a potty song and dance.

    You can find pics of potties and kids washing their hands and print them out, color them together and tape them up above the potty and the sink.

    Hope you have good luck

  2. Dont push them into it. You have to work together or he/she will be wearing diapers till they are 16.

  3. I honestly doubt that a two year old is ready, mine sure isn't. But being patient, taking him to the potty and reading until he goes. Make a big deal out of when he finally goes and then give a prize for bein such a good boy!! Also try to let him run around naked, this way when he pees he's aware of it and knows what it is, then take him to the bathroom. It's rough but it  will happen. I think what did it for my daughter was preschool, once she seen everyone else doin it, she was embarassed to be in pull ups, then it just clicked with her. Good luck!!!

  4. First, don't use diapers/pull ups except for bed/naptime.  Then, give your child plenty of access to liquids.  To make things interesting when it's time to 'go', put a couple of drops of blue or red food coloring in the toilet.  Encourage your son to see what color he makes when he pees in the toilet.

    If there is an older child in the family (who would be comfortable with it), let him go in the bathroom with the older child.  Praise the child who used the bathroom while giving him a treat that would also appeal to your son and say, "This is what we get when we potty."

  5. I have heard you can use cheerios or food coloring in the toilet water to get their attention that way (aim at the cheerio's or watch the water change color when they pee), but a child truly has to be ready to potty train, I don't think it can be "forced". My son is almost 2 1/2 and will sit on the potty, but still will not do anything else.

  6. If your son is only 2 it is going to be almost impossible to have him potty trained by Aug. 29th.  Boys are harder to potty train anyway and usually they just don't get it until they are closer to 3.  There are some really good potty training books and dvd's - both for you and for your son.  Those really helped me.

  7. You can try different methods but boys are difficult that young. Try big boy undies,rewards taking him to try every 30 minutes or so that way when it happens he may feel proud continue to go on the potty. Did you get him his own potty?That is a big help.

  8. if u you dont have one yet, buy one or two potties for him and put them in much visited areas of your house. Then, try showing him how to use a pottie and start having him wear pull-ups.  Once he is used to going on the pottie, try underwear so that he won't think about just going in his diaper. Good Luck!


  9. You can't potty train, at least not effectively until the kid is ready, and rarely are  boys ready at 2.

  10. I heard having them throw cheerios in the toilet and teaching them that way helps them want to go to the bathroom because its fun and they remember it.

  11. I have heard putting a cheerio in the toilet for a little boy to "aim" at is effective and fun to them. Maybe try that?

  12. I'm in the process of potty training my 2 year old son. I've always been able to get him to pee in the potty, but he would pee in his diaper as well. I've been putting underwear on him and watching him like a hawk. I take him potty about every 45 mins and praise him when he goes. He's been in the underwear for about 3 days and has about 1 accident per day, but he sees that his underwear is wet and lets me know and finishes his business in the potty. This has really saved on diapers! Only go through 2 a day, 1 for naptime & bedtime.

  13. you can not put a deadline on it. big mistake, you can not rush it. you must reward when he uses the poddy, and make it seem exiting he is gonna be a big boy, and dont make it a negative thing like"your gonna use the toilet !" i have 3 boys i never used no cheerios in the toilet i dont think its good for plumbing
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