
How can I prepare for a cruise next week. I have a fear of heights and I get sick on boats and in cars,?

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any suggestions to make this a smoove trip for my honey and I?




  1. Pack some Dramamine. My brother got some wrist bands that apply pressure to his arm and it worked wonders for him. I would try that. Otherwise, call your doctor and get a perscription. They will be happy to help you out. Have lots of fun on your cruise! It will be amazing!!!!

  2. First, to be on the safe side bring some Dramamine or another motion sickness pill your Doc suggests. After that realize you are not on a 20 foot speed boat, you are on a massive cruise ship with all the modern technology to keep the ship from rocking. I have been on five cruises in the last three years and all but one had absolutely calm waters. You barely noticed the ship was moving much less rocking. I did take one in early December where you could actually feel the boat rock but even that was only minor. Your fear of heights is another matter. The ships all have an atrium which is an open area that can be view from all decks. So you can be ten stories up and look down to the main deck. I don't see how you avoid this as it is in the center of the ship. (This is also where the glass elevators are) Other than that you will not realize how high up you are as you never look directly down and most activities take place away from the edge of the ship. In my personal opinion, after less than 24 hours your will forget you are on a ship, so be bring your Dramamine but you probably wont need it.

  3. You probably get sick on small boats.   Not huge cruise ships.   So get rid of the fear.

    You can buy dramine and the arm bands for sea sickness just in case.

  4. non drowsy dramamine. Worked wonders with me. Also, don't underestimate the calming effect of the open sea. The fresh air made me feel loads better.

  5. just like the last person said take some motion sickness meds and they even make this patch you can wear that people swear by, never used one but i know on the last cruise i was on there were a good number of people using them.  and as for the heights, i am pretty uncomfortable with heights, but for some reason when i am on a ship it doesnt bother me, i dont know if it is because i am really relaxed on the ship or if just being in the ocean calms you down

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