
How can I prepare for running 2.4km??

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Hi,I am a Secondary 2 student living in Singapore.My p.e teacher will be asking us to do 2.4km run tomorrow.I am slightly overweight and I get breathless easily.What should I do,I am really afraid because most of the boys in my class are good runners...Thanks




  1. i do cross country running, and i think the best way to run long distance is to breathe deeply the entire time, in through your mouth and out through your nose. in your head you need to continuously encourage yourself eg. 'i can do it, i can do it', or 'not long to go'.

    start off slow, and try to keep at a steady pace throughout the run.

    i think the breathing is the most important part, and try not to stop at all, because once you do, you stuff up your rhythm, and it makes it easier to lose your breath when you start running again.

    also, remember your running shoes!

    good luck :)

    remember -




  2. I am not that bad of a runner, I can just run and run, however I am not that fit.

    This is how

    Although this may sound a bit stupid, running is just as much about physical fitness as it is about mental fitness.

    From what you tell me you may not be the greatest runner, however, YOU do not have to know that.

    Before AND during your run keep telling yourself (as corny as it may sound) 'I can do this' and BELIEVE IT!

    Most people stop running because they loose all faith in themselves, they let pain take over (pain that just isn't there) they begin to believe that they cant keep running...this is where you need to tell yourself 'I'm better than this'.

    And do it in anyway you like, the mind is a wondrous thing (it will see what it wants to see, believe what it wants to believe).

    Do whatever it takes, tell yourself that if you win this race you win a gold medal or something, or pretend the hottest chick in the school is watching you...adrenaline can be a very powerful ally....

    So believe me, if your mind believes you can do it, you can do it...and you actually is a fact that most people when doing physical exercise  only use 60% of their total energy, they still have plenty more however they just can't find the mental strength to push through that pain barrier and carry on..and once you are through that barrier it almost feels like you are running down hill.

    Just try it.

  3. were all different ..

    first off dont worrie about the other guys

    start breathing before u start running take deep breaths and u need to controll your breathing though out the run... dont get carried away with the others take it at your own pase and just remeber to breath  and get a good night before

  4. Well try jogging 3 quaters of the way and then try to sprint to the end!

    and if you get a stitch just put your hands on your head and keep running!!

    also take deep breath

    And dont let the other boys tease you!

    Good luck!

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