My hubby and I are planning on trying for baby #2 in about a year, if not sooner, like next Spring.
The stats on me right NOW, is I am 80 pounds overweight. I gained 38 with baby #1 and then 12 staying home, so I was a little overweight when I got preggers. Baby #1 was born via emergency C-section because I developed Toxemia because my doctor NEVER told me I was having protein in my urine or that my BP was getting high. never said a word to me, so at 37w4d they thought I was gonna have stroke in the ER when I went in with severe abdominal pain. Sorry, got off track.
Anyways, #2 we want born spring 2010-ish...late winter is okay too for me.
I am finding it very hard not to try right now, but #1 is only 10 months next week, so I know time is essential here.
I would like a list of things to do, or what I can try, to get ready for #2.
Losing weight is #1 and being and staying active goes with that, so please do not be rude and call me fat, I know I am.
Anyone had a C-section and can tell me how the second one went? will I have to do another or what are the chances of VBAC?
The more detail you can give will help!