
How can I prepare to walk onto my College Baseball Team?

by  |  earlier

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I'm 17 and this spring I want to walk onto my community college baseball team. I played little league and jr. league as a boy until age 14, but then left the sport for two years to pursue other sports. I'm 17 and I'm kicking myself in the butt because I love baseball and I really wish I could have played in high school.

I personally feel like I'm still a good fielder but I definitely need to refresh my batting technique. I looked into finding a personal baseball trainer in my area but the internet/yellow pages aren't helping. I would love to play college ball but I'm a little insecure at my batting/base running skills. Does anyone have any advice for what I can do to make this team?




  1. train and work out lots!...get in the batting cage and prove your a good lots to build up endurance...if you try hard enough you could make the team :)... if i was you try out for one of these positions...LF,1B,3B or RF

    hope i helped

  2. i know where you are coming from (i'm a softball player)

    this all depends on what you play... are you a utility player or just infeild or outfield?

    and some tips-

    Don't work so hard on your batting that you forget you fielding skills.

    But work hard, practice every day, go to a gym...

    work on your tri-ceps, bi-ceps, thighs, and calves for strength.

    If it's raining or for some reason you can't go out. practice your swing in a mirror...

    watch a few mlb games. watch the batter, watch his arm spand, strides, hips, and shoulder...

    practice getting your timing...

    I don't know what to say about finding a personal batting coach

    but maybe you could talk to your community college's baseball head coach, or batting coach, and ask them for some tips, pointers, or help

    they should know some reliable sources for hitting...

    well i just gave you a summary of what i would try to do if i was in your situation

    GOOD LUCKK! =)

  3. Practice, practice, practice.

  4. Forget it. All the other guys have been playing high school baseball. You didn't, so you won't be good enough.

    This question never gets old.

    (I'm being sarcastic - it really gets annoying 5 times a day)

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