
How can I press leaves really quickly?

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I have a biology project and I need to know how to press leaves, onto regular, white computer paper, without any drying stuff. I need to have it done by tomorrow. What is the quickest way to dry them?

Also, if anyone could provide a step by step guide to pressing the leaf the easiest way, that would be appreciated. Thanks.




  1. I used to press leaves by putting it between two pieces of paper and then putting those pieces at the bottom of a huge book. If you put it in a dry place it shouldn't take more than overnight. Putting it in the microwave can speed it up if you're careful but it can also make it wilt.

  2. Put leaves between two sheets of newspaper and put heavy flat object on top. let stand 24 hrs. Iron leaves under wax paper until flat. make sure u don't keep iron on but maybe 10 seconds then inspect and continue until leaf is flat...A fast way but not proven..>>microwave.. have a good day.

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