
How can I pretend to like sports?

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I hate sports, but I need to pretend like I like them. Can anyone point me to a website that has the basics about popular sports teams so I can at least sort of pretend to be in the ballpark of manly when I talk to girls? Classical music and piano don't exactly make for great conversation. Thanks




  1. lol

    This question made my night.

    Ever considered that most girls that are concerned with sports aren't going to be at all interested in you ?

    Why try to be something your not, Im sure theres alot of musically inclined girls out there that would think your hobbies are great.

  2. Listen to Christina H. I was Not into the big sports thing in school either. But, no one Ever had the Nerve to call me a " Nerd". I also, never had any problems with the girls liking me. They " Jocks" would all get Mad because the Girls went out with me and not them! Just be Yourself! That is what worked for me.

  3. What sport do u wanna know about?  Hockey is my favourite.

    And there are probably girls who like classical music and piano.

    I enjoy some classical music myself.  J.S.Bach specifically.

    I think really you should just avoid talkin about sports.  There really isn't a need to do it.  You will be better off just bein your normal self...and girls will like that fine.

  4. guys that are themselves are much more of a turn onn...

    being fake wont get you anywhere

    especially when they find out

    the girl should like you for who you aree..

  5. Be yourself, if you think that just because you know something about a sport that girls will like you, you're wrong. Especially if it does work and lets say you go out with a girl, then you'll just keep lying about liking sports? If you don't like something don't pretend to. Just talk about whatever you like and you'll finally find someone with the same interests. That'ss what dating is about, to find a MATCHING pair.


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