
How can I prevent and/or get rid of acne using home remedies??

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Any home remedies or herbal methods that actually work to prevent and get rid of acne? Things that can be found around the average home or you can find and buy at the store inexpensively?




  1. lemon juice used as an astringent, witch hazel used as an astringent, tea tree oil disinfects, natural clay put on your face has lots of vitamins that are good for your skin, vitamin c tablets taken everyday are good for your acne, so are vitamin e tablets. Fish oil capsuls taken daily can help reduce redness caused by acne .

  2. Vitex (aka Chaste Tree Berry) works wonders. It is a hormone balancer and works on both men and women, adolescents and peri-menopausal women. Takes about 30 days to see results. Costs as little as $8 a month in liquid extract to maybe $13 in capsules. Will also usually have some positive "side effects" such as more level moods, less painful menses, calms angry teens,


  4. There are many things you can do, but it depends on the cause of your acne. If it seems to be a hormonal thing I would try taking some royal jelly. It comes from bees and works great at clearing your skin and regulating your hormones. You can use backing soda to help scrub the skin and add oxygen to your pores. I would also look at Clearasil vanishing cream. It isn't natural but works really well at clearing individual blemishes.  

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