
How can I prevent my bike seat from getting stolen?

by  |  earlier

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Just got a nice bike, a cruiser....

The seat is only secured by something kind of like this:

It could easily be taken by some jerk (I don't live in the best of neighborhoods).

How can I prevent it from getting stolen?

ALSO: a dumb question - how do I use the mount for the U-lock? I don't understand where to put it or how. The mount looks like this one:

Sorry I'm dumb =P




  1. take it with you


  2. You have two options to secure the seat.

    1. Replace the quick-release clamp with a bolt on, most shops should carry them, and they shouldn't be more than a few dollars.

    2. They make small cables you can loop through the bike frame and the rails on the seat, and then secure with a lock.

    But always remember, "locks only keep honest people honest", if someone wants it, they'll get it.

    As for your second questions, the bracket should secure to the frame, the one side of the bracket that has the nuts and bolts on it is made to fit around the framed then tightened, usually on the seat tube, the part of the frame that extends between the seat and the crank.  The lock should then slip right into the other hole.

    You could just 'lock' the u-lock onto the frame and let it hang loosely.  But make sure it's on a spot that won't interfere with your pedaling or get in the way of steering it either.

    Get out and ride.

  3. That's a pretty nice quick release for your seat for a cruiser bike! If your seat is equally nice, your best bet would be to either take it with you as others have suggested or to replace that part with a traditional seat collar rather than a quick release.

    You can also get "locking skewers" at any bike shop to help with your seat and your wheels. I don't normally recommend them because they'll never be as good as properly locking your bike, but for a seat it helps a lot.

    The mount for your bike lock: One of the holes goes around your frame (typically your top tube or seat tube).

  4. if they nwant it bad enough they will get it no matter hbow secure it is ..the only thing you can do is take it with you.. or just bring your bike inside every time..

  5. i know you feeling well. cause that incident

    happened to me last month, someone stole my  seat only, i was very upset that, in my case, link your seat with frame of the bike using a wire or thin chain, that's what i do these days after that incident, good luck to you have a nice day

    i love you...^^;

  6. the cheapest way would be to replace the quick release bracket with one that requires a spanner to release it,so then only the most dedicated theif will bother.(how many people walk around with tool kits on their person? lol)

        quick release seat braets kinda puzzle me anyway....i mean how many people grow that quickly that they need to adjust their seat so frequently!!!

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