
How can I prevent my knee from hurtin when I go snowboarding?

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i've been snowboarding about 20 times. Lately, when I go snowboarding, I get pain in my back knee (right knee) after a few hours. After snowboarding for about 6 hours today, my knee hurt so much I could barely walk. Does anybody else have this pain in their back knee (left knee if you're goofy)? and does anyone know how to prevent this from happening? I'm guessing it might be the way I set my bindings, or Maybe my stance is too wide? or too narrow? Or is it the angle at which I set my bindings (I set it 9 degrees on the back leg and 12 degrees on the front leg). Or maybe I wear my bindings too tight or too loose? There's too many variables for me to test and figure out what it its. If anybody has had this problem and knows how to fix it, please let me know!




  1. nothing to do with your bindings, stance, etc...i think it's the mechanics of your keep it simple the cartilage and ligaments around yourr knee are getting worn down causing your pain, many athletes get this:runners, bikers, hikers, skiiers, etc...  buy some glucosamine tablets from your drug store--they rebuild the cartilage, my pain went away within a few days

  2. Yea...i get that two when the muscle behind ur right knee tightens up when u str8in ur leg and when ur on ur toe side for a long time. just rest and it goes away, i snowboard about twice per week for 8-10 hour sessions.

  3. there are alot of things that could have caused this.  you need to do thearapy on it to get it back to health. rest will healp, but you need to massage the knots out of your calfs and your legs.  If you can get a friend to help you out, it will hurt but after it will feel alot better.  do some things to warm the muscles before you work on them.  once you are feeling better, streach and massage your legs on ocasion to help prevent this pain from coming back.  try to keep this from happining again by setting your bindings so that your legs bend in a natural way.  if your knees dont bend correctly then that could be why your are getting this pain.  I hope that was helpful and I hope that your riding can continue pain free.  good luck and have a good season.

  4. yes,but i got this when playing football. the pain was so excruciating i couldnt play for the whole season. i had to stretch it out regularly and rest. the big thing for you is:

    Stretch that muscle, if you need help go to a nearby gym

    You need to rest. if you keep tryin to snowboard your goign to keep hurting that muscle and it wont be good for it.

    your binding position shouldnt matter if its comfortable to you. if it doesnt start hurting immediatly then your bindings are fine. Dont blame it on the bindings =]. if does start hurting, switch the binding position and see if it still hurts. bending your knee when you have that muscle pulled is going to hurt a lot.

    once the muscle feels like its healed stretch every muscle before going snowboarding to prevent pulled muscles or worse torn muscles

    good luck and remember to stretch and rest. take aspirin if needed.

    *im goofy footed too

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