
How can I prevent stiff muscles tomorrow?

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I just moved a lot of furniture...and I have a feeling I overdid it (my muscles are trembling and weak-feeling now...I don't want to be immobile tomorrow. Is there anything I can do to prevent the stiffness I am expecting to experience soon?




  1. Have a nice hot bath. Epsom salts work really well for stiff and sore muscles. You can buy that at a store like WaMart. Then before you go to bed, rub A535 on your muscles.(Also at walmart) It will heat up and make them relax. In the morning, if they still hurt, theres not much you can do but drink alot of water and maybe pop an Advil or 2.

  2. "Expecting to experience"? Please, stop being such a pessimist! I think your body is stronger than you give it credit. How about taking a very soothing bath, relaxing and treating yourself to a very nice meal?

  3. Tub 4 about an hour

  4. you can get stuff like ibuprofen gel and deep heat patches and sprays that help soothe aching muscles  

  5. stretch a LOT!  and take a hot bath  :-)

  6. Drink lots of water, stretch, and ice any specific muscles that are hurting.  Motrin will help as well.

    You most likely won't feel it tomorrow as much as you will feel it the next day.  I'd try to do some sort of activity tomorrow if you can and that should help relieve some (not all) of the soreness the next day.

  7. drink lots of water!!

    and stretch and take a really cold shower

  8. Rub A535

    holy c**p you don't even know how well that stuff works.

    get it

    smells cool too.

    (also sleep on your side with a pillow between your legs. and do NOT bend over when liftinf things off the floor. bend your knees while keeping your back straight!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

  9. this is hard, but you can take a cold bath.

    Just lie there in the cold as long as you can, for some reason it works

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