
How can I prevent the formation of algae in swimming pool?

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in my swimming pool there is a formation of slight greenish color on the sides of the pool. I am regularly adding 300gms of chlorine granules. The capacity of pool is 150mcube.Can i add more chlorine granules?




  1. YOu need to make sure you brush the sides of the pool.  No matter what you put in your water if you do not brush it to get the chemicals on the wall it will not kill it all.

    When you have a heavy rain or you are using your pool alot, it will eat up the chlorine and will make your pool prone to algae.  make sure you shock your pool to kill the algae and other bacteria.  

    You might also want to make sure you use a stabalizer.  During the summer months the sun will eat up your chlorine faster then normal and the stabalizer will help reduce that.

    Good Luck

  2. Add more chlorine and maybe a pool skimmer that gleans the bottom of the pool ( it looks like a little robot connected to a tube... i forget what it's called) those two things together should prevent the algae. but for now i would clean up the pool right away  to get that junk out of there.

  3. I think you need to do a Chlorine Shock. Basically, you super chlorinate the water for a short time. You should go to, or call a pool / hot tub supplier or dealer. Or if you live close to one of these stores just drop in and they will point you in the right direction.

  4. you need to get in there and clean the sides of the pool and add agleacide to the pool to prevent algea from growing

  5. remove water from swimming pool, dry it and then clean it with salt and then floor cleaner

  6. Always clean it.

    Put Chlorine.

    And..change the water regularly.

    algae is caused by germs..or dirty water...

    if you don't use the pool that much, then there is a big possibility that algae will appear in your pool. :[

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