
How can I properly bathe my 4-yr-old daughter in her genital area?

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She will not bathe her genital area herself and I need to know the PROPER way to do so she will not get any type of infection at such a young age.




  1. First off at this age it is time to start teaching her how to take a shower or by the age of 5 or 6. Bubble baths are not good for little girls because they can cause infection and irritation in the genital area.

    I agree with just taking a washcloth and showing her or doing it yourself. Also having flushable wipes are great for toilet time.

  2. not t this age, coommon, all you do is soak and the bubbles and lather will do, Wait till she gets older please 4 years olds are too young to worry about that stuff

  3. Usually children this age are very sensitive in this area.  It may hurt or tickle and they aren't sure how to respond to that.  The best way I have found is a quick once over with a soft wash cloth with a mild soap.  I avoid bubble bath b/c it can be very irritating to my daughters skin and often leaves residue that can be very irritating.  Bathing in clean, clear water is best.  Another thing that is important and also overlooked is proper drying.  Teach her to use a dry towel to lightly  pat herself....not rub.  I disagree with the post that said that children this age are too young to worry about this.  I teach preschool and have seen many girls with UTI and yeast infections b/c they haven't been taught to clean themselves properly or arent' bathed often.  Basic health and grooming skills are very important for a child to learn.  They give the child self-help skills that can be great for self esteem.

  4. Just explain to her that it is important she keeps it clean, show her how to do it, and then teach her. Tell her that mummy does it and every girl and lady does it even if you have to refernce to other family members or friends of your or hers, that is then good role modeling, as children learn from role models at this age. Encouraging her to do it.

    Hope that helped x*x

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