
How can I properly thank a really amazing teacher?

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I've had this really great English teacher for my senior English class. I have LD (learning disabilities) and she has spent so much extra time after school, and before school helping me so I could pass and do well in her class. She listened to all my worries and put up with my over-dramaticness. She spent her own time talking to our learning strategist to figure out how to teach me properly (way more effort than most teachers do) and she really impacted my life. I said thank-you to her, but she said that wasn't necessary, it was all part of her job. But it is her first year of teaching, and she has done so much for me, I really want to make sure she knows how much I appreciate it. After this year I won't see her again most likely, because she is moving to another city, as am I. I really want to do something nice for this amazing teacher. Anyone have any ideas on how to show my appreciation?




  1. A teacher will feel proud when he/she is regarded as the greatest in his/her field ie,when he/she gets a present in which the words "The best teacher in the teacher in the world" is written.And a really touching letter from you with a small photo of you will keep you in her  mind till the end.

  2. write her a letter telling her what she and her effort has meant to you, give her a card with your picture in it so she can always remember you. no amount of money will compensate for this. perhaps you should take a picture with her so you can both remember each other. most teachers just want to know that what they are doing is not in vain

  3. The best way to thank her is to succeed at your goals in life...take what she has taught you and do your best.

    Give her a card /w picture  to remember you and her efforts by.

  4. A heart felt letter is a must.  You might also buy her a book that she might like.  Maybe a classic or one you read in her class.  Trust me, it won't matter that she's read it already.  Sign it with a short but sincere message, your name, and the date.

  5. Write a really good letter, telling her exactly why you appreciated her.  I've been teaching for 30 years, and I've kept every letter I've gotten from students.  They mean more to me than any present, and the fact that they took the time to write makes a letter much more meaningful than just being told the same thing.

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