
How can I protect myself from pick pockets in Italy?

by Guest58260  |  earlier

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I will be traveling with my family. Any suggestions on how to deal with 4 passports?




  1. Keep them in a hotel safe if you don't need them while you're out.

    Otherwise, keeping them in a secure camera bag or pocketbook might be best...just hold onto it tight....

  2. You dont have to take your passports with you everytime you go out. Keep them at the safety box of the hotel.

  3. Pickpockets and other thieves, especially those working in teams, sometimes apply distraction, such as asking a question, bumping into the victim, or deliberately dirtying the victim's clothing and then "helping" him/her to clean it. so just be aware of this if it happen's

  4. watch less movies!


  5. I always carry my passport with me at all times when traveling because technically a police officer can stop you and ask for your documentation at any time.  

    I have found that the money belts work extremely well. It's a small pouch that you wear around you waist under your pants.  They do make passport holders for around the neck, but I wouldn't suggest these as I have heard cases of these being cut off people's necks and stolen.

    The money belt is tiny (not like a belly bag) and fits easily under clothing. I also recommend keeping your credit cards there and any excess cash you are carrying.  I did that and then kept a small amount of cash in my purse.

    My best advice is to just be aware of your surroundings!

  6. put them done ya pants and if they get stolen at least you will enjoy it

  7. Italians hardly ever pickpocket.... The problem is gypsies.... They are everywhere and they are pickpocket experts.

    Stay away from gypsies and you will be fine.

  8. sew up your pockets when you go out. Or don't go out at all. !!

  9. open your eyes.

    by the way, thiefs are interested in your money, not your passport

  10. dont wear pockets

    wear a f***y pack or something.

  11. I've been to Italy several times, and I have never had any problems with pickpockets. I travelled generally in high trafficked tourist areas. So I know that there were most likely pickpockets around me at some point in time. The best suggestion is to be aware of your surroundings. Keep in mind that anyone can be a suspect. I generally travel with a tour company and none of the people I have travelled with ever had any problems with pickpockets in ITALY. Spain was another story. I'll highlight a few episodes that happened to my friends in Spain, as they could be tactics used by pickpockets in Italy. One of my friends was approached by two girls who stuck a map in his face, and while one girl was distracting him with the map one girl was rather tactlessly trying to get into his money belt. Being aware of what the girls were up to, my friend shoved them away, and they gave him no extra trouble. Another friend was approached by a tall man who walked up to her and hugged her. She of course started freaking out and kneed him in the nuts. There are of course the lavendar gypsies. They will try and give you something for free, generally sprigs of lavendar, and then as soon as you take it grab your wrist and ask for money. Lesson: Stay away from Gypsies and people asking for money.  But again, like I said, I have never had any problems with pickpockets in Italy. I also don't use a moneybelt. I carry a purse that has several pockets and a large closure, like a buckle. Wish we could imbed photos in here. Anyways, I am not saying that pickpockets dont exist, but that they haven't been a severe problem for me. A good way to keep your passports safe (and yes people steal them to sell them on the black market) is to keep them in a moneybelt. Small pouch that hides under your clothing. You may want your husband or wife to carry one as well and carry one each of your children's passports (I'm assuming that your "family" is two adults and two children).

    The BEST way to protect yourself from pickpockets is to keep your eyes open. Think like a theif, and suspect everyone.

    Have fun!

  12. You know what, just be smart.  I've traveled to Italy a few times and I've never worried about it.  Why? Because I keep my wallet and PP together and my US stuff separately.  There are pick pockets out there.  Just keep some of your dollars and driver license stuff in the hotel safe or hiding under piles of clothes in your suit case.

    A money belt helps, but basically don't be wearing the "bling" or look like a victim.  Dress like you would taking a day off and touring your own town or city.  

    Remember, if you think smart and not worry about it, then your trip will be better.

  13. wear a money belt instead of using a wallet.

  14. I suggest using a safe at the hotel.  If you ahve to carry it with you, go to a travel store (mall) and there is a garmet that you can purchase that is under your clothing that holds items like this.

    Simply adding fasteners to your pockets - velcro, buttons or zippers - makes picking the pocket harder.

    See the link below for what I am talking about.

      Oh!  Be careful setting camera's or Camcorders on a shelf on a bus.  I friend of mine had his stolen when another man put his jacket over the camcorder and then walking off with it.

    Have fun!

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