
How can I prove I am related to Prince Grimaldi of Monaco?

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My fourth great grandma was Vincenza Grimaldi from Solofra, Avellino, Italy. She is some how related to the Grimaldis of Monaco, but we are not sure how.




  1. Here's the definitive site on the Grimaldi family. You'll need the help of the Catholic Church in Solofra to help you unpeel the mystery, though.

  2. First speak with your parents. Get as much information of "where" they KNOW they come from. Next move back one level and speak to their PARENTS and do the same research. Then keep moving back one level at a time until you reach the oldest family tree level that will prove or disprove your theory.

    It is very common for people these days to want to be related to a famous personality or Monarchy. Most are NOT. Many times Ellis Island was the culprit for "renaming" families arriving on the ships from Europe. Many of the lesser passengers wanted to be acknowleged as being of ELITE heritage to open door for them in the New World.

    During WWII many people "changed" their last name to avoid being known for their German ancestry; hence, many German Americans became named Stone, Brown or even assume the Browne or other name to remove themselves from the n**i association.

    It is a long road but very interesting. Good luck and perhaps this will give you a chance to visit the mother land. Hmmm?

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