
How can I prove my Sallie Mae student loans are deferred for 12 months?

by Guest61760  |  earlier

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I am buying a house and the Mtg Company wants proof that my 4 Sallie Mae loans are deferred for 12 months. This is told me to me a week before closing, nice right! ... Where can I get that info? .. I thought my credit report would've had it.

Thanks in advance!




  1. Online- log into the Sallie Mae website and print out the page that gives the status of your loans.

  2. Let me guess, the loan officer told you that, right?

    Common error they make.

    I'll save you some time.  They will count the student debt into your debt-to-income ratio anyway because deferments are not forever, and they CANNOT be bankrupt (I hope someone told you that).

    Personally, even if you could have them taken out of your DTI, why would you want to set yourself up for foreclosure?

    If you cannot afford the house with all the payments you can't afford it at all.

    This is a STANDARD underwriting guideline under not only Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, but all subprime lenders as well.

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